the thing?

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BooperDooper: hey

THEBOSS: hello

BooperDooper: how're u?

THEBOSS: I'm fine. How are you?

BooperDooper: I'm okay
BooperDooper: how r u after the thing

THEBOSS: is that its code name now?
THEBOSS: the thing?

BooperDooper: well, I wasn't sure wat to call it

THEBOSS: a stupid mistake on your part

BooperDooper: yeah
BooperDooper: I know


BooperDooper: but r u okay?

THEBOSS: what do you really think?

BooperDooper: well, I doubt u r, but...


BooperDooper: I dunno


BooperDooper: soooooo.....
BooperDooper: ur spelling properly, huh?

THEBOSS: am I? I haven't noticed. That's usually how I act with people I do not wish to talk to.

BooperDooper: jeez
BooperDooper: so I didn't reply
BooperDooper: ur probably over exaggerating anyway

THEBOSS: really?

BooperDooper: yeah, no one attacks people with knives

THEBOSS: okay, so I'm imagining the bruises all over my body?
THEBOSS: the person that found me after I fainted on a bench?
THEBOSS: the pounding headache I have, and the wish to stay curled up in a small ball forever?

BooperDooper: ffs, stop being so dramatic

THEBOSS: no. I'm not being dramatic.

BooperDooper: sure, keep telling urself that

THEBOSS: you know, I thought you were different
THEBOSS: but you're just a fucking bastard like the rest of them.

BooperDooper: and ur just another whiny little bitch

THEBOSS: wow, so much for being friends.

BooperDooper: ur friends with people u like
BooperDooper: and I hate u

THEBOSS: the feeling is mutual.
THEBOSS: I no longer want to take part in this conversation, goodbye

BooperDooper: bye u fucking pathetic little bitch

THEBOSS has left the chat.

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