When I look at you

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Word Count: 2024
A/N: This is a song lyric inspired fiction... type thing?? I'm not good with fiction terminology, if that's even a thing haha oops. It's based off 'When I Look At You.' By Miley Cyrus. Anyways I love this so much actually :D If any of you want to send me requests I would love to take them, and I'd love to know what you think of my writing! Part 4 of Jealousy will be out soon btw! Much love <3

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody,
For when the nights are long.
'Cause there's no guarantee
That this life is easy.
     You sat in the diner by yourself, staring down at your laptop. It was midnight, and although you weren't exactly supposed to be there, you needed to get out of the hell hole that was your house. It had just been constant fighting between your mom and dad. Although they were divorced, they were still forced to live with eachother until your mom got back on her feet. Their constant yelling and screaming at eachother were bad, but not as bad as your depression and anxiety that had been acting up lately. It was bad, and there seemed to be nothing anyone could do about it. So here you sat, trying to write some stupid paper about 'how far would you be willing to go to find the truth' but nothing was coming to mind except the shit show that was your life. You had no inspiration, no motivation, and honestly you just wanted to cry. Just as you decided it was time to give up, a familiar pair of arms wrapped around your waist. You turned to face Jughead, and he gave you a small smile, and you attempted to return it, but he could tell something was off.
     "What's wrong?" he lightly questioned, and you leaned into him, enjoying the feeling of peace while it lasted.
      "Nothing anymore." you whispered, only wanting him to hear you, not that there was anyone else in the diner. He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck.
     "Bullshit. Please tell me what's up." he mumbled against your skin. You grabbed one of his hands that held tight on your waist and he rubbed small circles on it.
     "I'm stressed because of my parents, I feel like absolute depressed and anxious garbage, and I don't know what to write for my damn essay. But none of that matters now, you're here." he squeezed you tighter with one arm, he and used the other one to open your laptop.
     "We can deal with everything else later, because I can't allow that. But first, Let's see what we're working with..." he said, opening word. "How far would you be willing to go to find the truth.." You stared at the screen, just looking at the blank page made you want to scream and throw your laptop in a blender. "Write about Jason Blossom and his death." Jughead suggested, and you perked up, an idea forming in your head. Jughead was on the search for truth, and he so far had gone to great lengths for it.
     "Or even better, I could write about you trying to find the truth about his murder." you said, quickly typing. Jughead watched as words flew across the digital page. He took in every detail of you in this moment, your fingers as they typed, how you bit your lip in concentration, even how your hair fell down across your face and you didn't even bother moving it because you were so in the zone. He wondered if this is what you felt like when you watched him write. You turned your head and kissed him.
     "My inspiration." You mumbled against his lips.
Yeah when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I look at you.
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore,
That's when I look at you.
     "I can't do this anymore Jughead!" you yelled, collapsing onto the ground. It was becoming harder to breathe, and your vision was blacking out. Everything around you was blurry, the tears in your eyes distorting everything you looked at.
     " Y/N please listen to me, everything is going to be okay!" he said tenderly, trying to not let his worry show. He grabbed your shoulders and he looked you in the eyes, his heart breaking as he saw the tears flow out of them. "Listen, I want you to breathe."
     "I can't!" you cried, shaking your head.
     "Yes you can, please Y/N. Just try." he was doing his best to stay calm, but seeing you like this tore him apart.
     "What's the point Jughead! I can't do this anymore, I have no reason to!" you sobbed.
     "Y/N you have me!" he yelled.
     "You could do so much better, you'll find so much better and you'll leave and I'll be completely alone!" you bitterly yelled. Y/N looked at him, and started to cry even harder.
"Juggie I'm so sorry, please don't cry!" she sobbed. Jughead hadn't even noticed that tears were rolling down his face, and Y/N had never really seen him cry before. Sure she saw a tear or two every once in a while, but never this many. Her chest got tight and her heart shattered. Jughead pulled her into his chest, and they held eachother.
"I could never do better than you." he whispered, rubbing circles on her back. She held onto him tighter, wanting nothing more to make him stop crying. She could feel his tears fall onto her shoulder. "It's you who could do so much better, I'm not good enough for you Y/N, I-"
"Forsythe don't even say that! I love you more than anything in this world, you make me feel less broken and alone and I don't know what I'd do without you." she whispered.
"You do the same for me." he said, kissing her forehead. You make me feel whole."
"Juggie, I know now that my home isn't a place, my home is you." she smiled up at him. He leaned down and kissed her, cupping her face.
"You're my home too, Y/N." he leaned his forehead against hers, and smiled back down at her.
When I look at you,
I see forgiveness,
I see the truth.
You love me for who I am.
Like the stars hold the moon.
Right there where they belong,
And I know I'm not alone.
"I'm sorry." Y/N whispered, standing by Jugheads locker at school. He crossed his arms and stared at her.
"You're in my way." he said coldly, although it killed him to talk to her like that. She stepped away from the locker, and he turned his back to her and opened it up. Rummaging through his backpack for his math notebook he did his best to ignore Y/N behind him, no matter how badly he wanted to kiss her and hold her.
"Juggie can we please talk about this?" she asked.
"Don't call me that." Y/N felt tears stinging in her eyes.
"Jughead please!" she begged, and Jugheads heart broke at the sound of her voice. He turned around and saw a tear roll down her face.
"Okay! We can talk if you stop crying." he said, closing his locker and pulling her into the nearest janitor closet. The door closed behind him and he looked down at her.
"Jughead I'm sorry! I know that you feel like I'm lying because I have things to hide from you and that I'm distancing myself because you think I'm going to leave you but that's not the case! Things at home are getting worse and... I was scared to tell you what was going on." Jughead looked at her worryingly.
"What do you mean? What's going on?" he asked, stepping towards her.
"They... they kicked me out Jughead." she started to sob, and she wrapped his arms around her. "I'm homeless and I'm alone and maybe I deserve it. Maybe I don't deserve a home and a family, I'm just a big problem!"
"No you aren't." he whispered, rubbing her back. "And you aren't alone, you'll never be alone. Come stay with me." He said.
"What?" she asked, looking up at him.
"Come live with me." he said again, smiling down at her.
"Where do you live?" she asked, a bit of excitement present in her voice.
"Don't tell anyone, but I live at the Twilight Drive-In." he whispered, and she stares up at him in shock. He laughed and pulled her towards him again.
"You wouldn't want to live with me." she said. "I dance around too much and sing off key, I eat way too much and I yell at the screen while I watch movies and tv even though they can't hear me! I sleep all day or I lay in bed and watch YouTube and I talk in my sleep-"
"I already know, and I think it's adorable." he said, cutting her off. "You're perfect to me Y/N, and if your parents don't want you then I'll sure as hell take you."
"Oh Jughead..." Y/N fought back tears, but for a different reason this time. "Are you sure?"
"Absolutely." Jughead said, grabbing her hand.
You appear just like a dream to me,
Just like kaleidoscope colours that cover me
All I need, every breath that I breathe
Don't you know you're beautiful?
"I swear Y/N, if you don't give me back my beanie-"
"What are you going to do?" Y/N interrupted him, giving a smirk.
"I'm going to do...." Jughead trailed off, trying to think of a punishment for the (y/h/c) girl standing on the bed smiling down at him. "This." he said, running towards the girl. He jumped up on the bed and tackled her, pinning her underneath him.
"Sucks to be you." she said, grinning ear to ear. Jughead looked around for the beanie, but couldn't see it anywhere . He looked down at Y/N and she giggled.
"Where is it?" he asked.
"That's on a need to know basis, and I'm sorry, but you don't need to know." she said.
"Actually, I think I do. That's my beanie." he playfully argued.
"Actually, you don't." she laughed, trying to mimic his voice.
"Y/N, please!" He begged. Y/N attempted to sit up, but couldn't. She fell back down on the bed, and Jughead gave his best puppy dog eyes and stuck out his bottom lip.
"Is Jughead Jones giving me puppy eyes right now?" Y/N laughed. Jughead rolled his eyes and sighed. He leaned down and fell onto Y/N, now laying on her. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, and she kissed him on the forehead.
"I think you'll be okay without it for one day." she said. Jughead groaned, and it tickled Y/ns neck.
"I won't be though! I feel like I look like an idiot without it. Not that I look any better usually." he said, raising his head so he was looking at her.
"Um, no." she quickly sat up, pushing Jughead up too.
"No what?" he asked, confused by her sudden change in behavior. He sat on the edge of the bed, and pulled Y/N onto his lap.
"You never look like an idiot. You're adorable." Y/N said in a very serious tone.
"Not exa-" Jughead was cut off by a kiss. He pulled back, and looked up at the girl on his lap. "What was that?" he asked.
"What I'm not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?" Y/N teased an he chuckled.
"No, I mean-" again he was cut off with another kiss.
"You're so handsome Jughead." she mumbled against his lips. He pulled back again and stared at Y/N, and she admired his sweet smile plastered on his face. His hair was messed up, wild and free from his beanie, and the setting suns light shone through the window, lighting the room up beautifully. Y/N felt like she was in a dream, and if it was one she hoped she'd never wake up. He reached up and cupped her face, and she leaned into it.
"How did I ever get so lucky to have you?" Jughead asked softly.
"I could ask you the same thing." she said, leaning down to kiss him again.
"I love you, Y/N."
"And I love you, Forsythe." she whispered.

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