Chapter 9

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Anna's POV

I couldn't believe I made it to the live shows! Did the judges actually like me or do they just feel bad for me? I mean would they really let me get this far just because they felt bad for me? I don't know, I guess I'd find out when it's America's turn to vote. 

After the 4 chair challenge we had a 3 weeks off and then we would have a week to prepare for the first show that was on a Wednesday. Thankfully the shows weren't right after chemo but the results shows will be right after radiation which doesn't make me sick like the chemo does so I guess that's good. The contestants that are under 18 are supposed to get a private tutor to be schooled while they are on the show, but I have gone to an online school since I was 10 and getting bullied so I get to stay at my online school. On Fridays each contestant gets an hour long mentoring session and then you have voice lessons and choreography everyday of the week. On Mondays and Tuesdays you get an hour on the stage to practice and figure out the performance with the help of your mentor, vocal coach, and choreographer. It's gonna be really hard to do while going through treatment and school and everything, but I really want this and it'll keep my mind off things.

I hated having a break. It meant I had to be around my foster parents more often. Things with them were getting worse and worse ever since they found out the chemo would ruin my fertility so my foster dad couldn't get me pregnant and get caught. They knew I wouldn't report them because if I did I would be moved to a group home and I wouldn't be able to get treatment or be on The X Factor. I'd give up anything to win that $5,000,000 to give to childhood cancer research. No kid should have to go through cancer. It is awful. Speaking of cancer Jake has been in the hospital more often because they intensified his treatment since his tumors weren't shrinking. I only got to see him every other week when he was home or if his parents agreed to take me to the hospital to see him. I had told him about the cruise ship thing when I first met him, but I finally got the courage to tell him about my dad and being bullied and my foster parents if he swore on his life that he wouldn't tell anybody. 

*3 weeks later*

Demi's POV

My 3 week break from X Factor ends tomorrow. I'm really exited to get back to mentoring people. Tomorrow morning I have to get up early to go to The X Factor lot. I get an hour with each of my girls tomorrow. I'm really happy about the 4 I choose. I choose Jessica Reese, Diamond Green, Miranda Jordan, and Anna Brown. Jessica has a really low powerful voice that reminds me of Adele. Diamond has more of a high voice that reminds me a little bit of Ariana Grande but she doesn't have the range Ariana has, Miranda has a good country voice, and Anna has a voice sorta like Mariah Carey. I'm really exited to work with them in the morning. 

*The next morning*

I got up early and ate breakfast while I waited for Max to get me from my apartment. Since they use clips from the mentoring sessions in the actual show my stylists would get me ready so I didn't have to get ready before Max got there. After eating breakfast Max arrived and brought me to the lot. I went through hair and makeup and then it was time to go to my first mentoring session. I had Anna first. 

I went out to the lobby area to get Anna. She had headphones in looking at something on her phone. I called her name but she didn't hear me so I went and poked her shoulder to get her attention. She jumped when I poked her and looked up at me. "God you scared me!" 

"I'm sorry! Maybe you shouldn't wear headphones if you're gonna get jumpy when someone tries to get your attention. What were you listening to anyway?" I said jokingly

"Music, duh," She replied sarcastically

"I meant what song smarta... I mean smarty pants," I didn't want to curse around her. She seemed so innocent and I didn't want to ruin that.

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