Chapter 41

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Songs of the chappie:

Sail- Awolnation

Blame It On The Girls- Mika


Charlie's POV.

I woke up, in a garden of roses and sunflowers. The sun was shining and the sky was clear blue. Everything was peaceful, but something felt wrong. I stood up and found that I was in long silver strapless dress. The top was a dark gray with sequins while the bottom followed out with a slit between it. I ran my fingers through my hair to find it in it's natural curls. I ran over to the water where I saw that I had no makeup on. I screamed for help and turned to find somebody. Anybody. But I came up with no one. I felt trapped in a box and didn't realize that I was until I looked up to find myself holding a glass case. She was laughing with Julia about something, but I couldn't tell what. I turned trying to find a way out, but I couldn't. All I saw was Harry, across frm my outside self, starring. Watching. He looked like he was in so much pain. He was trying to talk to me.

"Charlie!" I screamed at myself.

"Charlie!" I screamed again.

"Vanessa!!!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could. I ran around, trying to find the end of the box. I couldn't, it was an endless box. I was locked in. I was put in my own nightmare and slowly I saw Harry disappearing.

"No Harry no," I whispered softly.


Harry's POV.

"Did you hear that?" I asked everyone after I just spilled that she's alive somewhere.

"Hear what Harry?" Gaby asked.

"Her voice,"  I said.

"No," Zayn said.

"You didn't hear her whisper no Harry no," I said.

"No," Niall said.

"Oh," I said.

"Anyways get back to the point that she's alive," Perrie said.

"Her spirit isn't gone. It's lurking around, but I'm not sure where," I said.

"How do you know this?" Liam said.

"I saw her in a dream," I said.

"Just because you saw her in a dream doesn't mean anything," Eleanor pointed out.

"But it's not just the dream, it was how the dream felt. Like something was blocking me from talking to her," I said.

"That's probably because she's dead," Dani said.

"No, but I can feel it too," I said.

"I agree, she still might be alive. At least her soul," Louis said.

"Well if you get more evidence for this, then we can talk," Gaby said.

"Alright," I said.

"Until then everyone, beds. Now," Liam instructed and everyone went to their rooms.


Charlie's POV.

I knew he heard me. I could hear him and I know that this is all confusing him. He's probably scared out of his mind at the moment, just becuase his supposedly dead girlfriend is actually alive and stuck in a box.

"Harry," I said louder.


Harry's POV.

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