❤MFH Prolouge

389 15 13

D I V I N A ' S P O V

A song of praise was playing on the streets and some people were dancing. I couldn't help but to smile too as I saw how peaceful, contented and joyful the souls in heaven-- the promised land of God.

The giggling of the young souls while running, the scent of fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers, and the generosity of each souls to his or her fellow souls.

No crime. No hate. No inequality.

The happiness was paused when we heard a familiar cry echoing around. The faces of everyone showed sympathy from the owner of the sobs.

"There must be another soul who fails to enter heaven..." I murmured quietly. I was sad too. We're like a big family in heaven. It's a waste that he or she could not witness the fruits of God's promise.

"We can hear clearly that God is agonizing when He loses His child." An another angel whispered sadly.

"If there's only a way to make Him happy." I said with my eyes closed and palms pressed together. I prayed for the other souls. That they might be touched and be changed.

"I heard that the thing that makes God happy is that bringing his children on his circle. That's why he descends on Earth just to be with them during a sacred rites or what they called 'mass'." Another angel joined in.

"Humans are lucky. Even though they always do something terrible, God always look at them. He's always occupied with them." Another angel meddled.

"Where is Angel Divina?" Angel Soldier Siwon asked on the souls near on me that made me hear it clearly. I raised my hand and responded to his call.

"I am here!"

"Senior Angel Gong Yoo is summoning you to the Kingdom." He asked firmly.

I was told that we angels are chosen by God himself after are death on Earth. He gave us a position on his kingdom---- to take care of His precious humans, making sure they'll join us here in Heaven someday.

Yes, guardian angels do exist. We are sent by God.

"Eh?" It was very rare to ask angels to go inside the kingdom. What's happening?


"The God heard you. You wanted to please Him, don't you?" Senior angel, Gong Yoo, asked me. I knelt in front of him to show my sincerity about my words on God. I knew He was watching me.

"Our God loves us more than anyone who can loves us. I want him to lift even a tiny dot of sadness on him. It is my pleasure to do anything for Him." I said with all my heart. I've witnessed everything he done for humans. Even at times that they turned their backs at Him, He watched them.

"He sees everything you have done. You were a good human too when you were alive, you might not remember anymore. You are a good angel on your second life. God is giving you the chance to serve for Him in this endless life."

"I am truly grateful." I said in a happy tone. I couldn't stop smiling.

"But, He is giving you the feel of not just only greatness but also despair."

"If it's His will. I'm willing to feel everything without resisting. I know that God has better plans for me." I said fearless. God never did something terrible for a purpose.

"Very good." A smoke formed in a circle and it showed a picture of a young man."This is Lu Han. You know that every human is a God's child. I want you to put him on the right direction. His life is a mess."

I stared at the human intently, he is beautiful. His eyes have stars that twinkle, his smiles are warm and breathtaking. He looks like an angel that descends from the heaven. He doesn't look evil.

"I'll do my best to guide him above." I accepted gladly.

"No. We are sending you to Earth."

I was astonished for a second. I've seen Earth from above. It was cruel yet beautiful.

"Please do what God wants to." I agreed in the end.

"Take him on the right path. Do not be scared. For God the Father will help you."

"I trust Him." I smiled.

"If you complete this mission, God says he'll be throwing a feast when you get back."

"Thank you."

"Do not be tempted on human's luxury. Demons are always looking for their victims. If you fail or ignore the given task on you thrice, it will consume you till you turn into dust." He informed me strongly. Senior Angel Gong Yoo must be worried for me. He was the one who taught us how to be a rightful and sweet angel. I've been working with him for long.

I gave him a last assuring smile before I fell into darkness.

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