❤ MFH Thirty-seven

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There was a problem. I could tell.

Last night, we rushed towards a hospital after the phone call. Luhan demanded that I should stay on the car since he didn't want an outsider involved in his issues.

I complied obediently, not wanting to add around his thousand of thoughts.

The car's engine was left on to run the aircon. I was inside the car, looking in every direction when I sensed that somebody was walking around.

There were two guards standing outside the car. I didn't know if they were there to wait for Luhan or to guard me at all times.

He came back not too long ago, but his expression was very firm and blank. Despite of the dim light, I was sure that his right cheek was red. Like somebody hit him...

I wanted to ask, but he turned his back on me.

Maybe, it wasn't the perfect time to talk about it. He suddenly talked and agreed to give me the position as his private secretary. Temporarily.

He stated his conditions and demands that he wouldn't allow any act of disobedience and disrespect towards him at work. He also asked me to act professional at all times and step aside my missions inside his company.

I didn't object about anything he said. After all, I needed that position.

The day passed and now I was standing beside him in front of his employees.

"This is Lee Divina. She'll stand as my temporary personal secretary till..." I glanced to see him looking at me, still with his dead eyes. "Till her mission is done."

Since we're back on this kind of relationship, we both knew that this has an ending. Especially that we have different lives and different reasons to be alive.

I have Taehyung and he has his fiancée.

" I have provided two secretary to fill the position left by Secretary Im and to cope with the paper works left." Luhan declared nonchalantly as he introduced that substitutes.

My eyes turned to the two female employees who's eyes were judging Luhan.

"I heard Secretary Im tried to kill herself. Maybe, she was too stressed working with Sir Luhan. She's been doing a load of works."

And it hit me. That's why I got the position after we went to the hospital. The secretary was hospitalized.

"He still needs more employees." I heard another whimpered.

"I'm still waiting for a salary raise." And another.

"My request for a vacation leave has been denied again. My daughter wishes to celebrate her birthday with a family outing, but I can't commit." And more.

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