❤ MFH Thirty-three

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"Hello, Lu. It's been a while."

She was there, peaking behind his shoulder. She had that sweet strawberry scent emitting around her. She was like the spring after the cold winter.

Divina gazed from the cake to him, staring at him intently with that cheerful smile.

He wondered how could she faced him casually when he was standing on his feet terrified, frozen, and astonished?

Luhan remembered to breathe when she waved her hand in front of him. His hands were starting to feel cold.

God. How did she got more beautiful over time? That thought ran on his mind. And no matter how he tried to get his sanity back, the more he fell for admiring the lady that he longed to see.

And finally she was there for him. Was it really for him?

It felt like another life has passed before they could be this close again. And he was confused why did he feel this way.

He was sure that the feeling was gone. It was long gone, but he missed her. And they were both committed to others.

He just missed her. Nothing more. Nothing less. He kept on convincing himself.

"You don't greet a person that you haven't see for long that way." Gong Yoo scolded her bitterly. He still acted as a big brother to her.

"And how should I greet him?" Divina asked him teasingly.

Eun Tak raised her hand and suggested playfully.

"Hug him or like how they do it formally in the states. Kiss him.

"Should I?" Divina looked at her and charged forward with her lips puckered.

Luhan's whole system was alerted. He stepped back before something regrettable would occur.

"Excuse me. I think I have to go." Luhan turned his back and marched forward out of the cafe.

He thought that it was over until he heard a voice that came behind him.

"Luhan." Divina called desperately. Without looking back, he measured that he was just less than ten steps ahead from her with her voice.

"I'm sorry, Divina. Let's talk some other time. I really need to go home." He took big steps instead. He knew that she'll have a hard time to follow his pace when she had a high heels on.

"Come on. That's not the way towards your car. I know that you are avoiding me." She whined breathlessly. He looked around to find that his direction was opposite to where his car parked.

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