Epilogue + Teaser

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D I V I N A ' S  P O V

It was like I fall in a pit of endless darkness and the feeling of emptiness has surged in me. I didn't know how long I was falling.

My last vision was myself slowly turning into ashes. I didn't get to hold Luhan anymore. If I only knew that there will be never a next time, I should have buried myself to him and feel him as long as I could.

But because of my decision, I have to stop every thoughts and pinch of chances about Luhan and I. I knew after this fall, I will be burned and locked in hell.

Suddenly, there was a light at the end. I prepared myself about the worst. I apologized one last time to God, shut my eyes and just thanked him for everything He has done for me. Luhan was a blessing.

There are chances that can complete and ruin us at the same time. We just have to weigh the consequences? Is it worth it?

For me it was.

I was surprised when I fell to a ball of cushion. My body returned together with my wings and my halo. I checked my surroundings. It wasn't the hell.

This is heaven.

"W-why am I here?" I started crying.

There were footsteps coming near me. I looked around and found a familiar place.

"Taehyung?" I called him out. I stumbled when I got down of the cushion, yet I still ran towards him.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I am not Taehyung?" He rolled his eyes. He showed a little bit crack from his face. It has a dark substance in between the cracks. His left eye were occasionally turning red too.

"Lucifer... What are you doing here?" I was shocked to see him up here.

"You're awake, my child." It was from a blinding light.

I immediately fell down on my knees and cried my heart out. I was sorry for being disobedient and everything.

"I'm sorry, my God. I failed you. Please forgive me. I'll receive my rightful punishment, just please forgive me."

I bowed my head and begged. God never hates His people. He loves them even at their worst. And I know He loves me. But he's a picture of justice, I can't take advantage of His kindness. But, if God forgives me. I have nothing more to ask.

"I'm glad that you know me so well." God replied."You really are the one who supposed to die, my child. I know it's hard to comprehend why, but your decision was right.Luhan can still do more in Earth while you can't. You can be together here in Heaven, but he can still contribute more in there." He didn't me owe an explanation. But He still give me an assurance to trust him.

"He will. After all, he's yours." I answered happily, knowing that Luhan changed for good even when I left.

"I'm sorry but I can't give him and his friends back the memory about you." I felt a soothing caressed on my head. "In their minds, you were the memory of forgiveness, healing and love."

Slowly, as if the holy spirit with the blessing of God had embraced me. It was consoling me. Because I was a child of God. And God knows how much I missed him.

"It's okay. Love never fades. Even if he has no memories left about you, if he really does love you, the feelings will come back when you meet again."


After 3 years

Sehun placed his cup of coffee harshly on the table.

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