❤ MFH Thirty-eight

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I jolted up from the bed. My breathing was erratic while my eyes searched for a familiar figure on the bed.

And gladly, he wasn't laying on the same bed with me.

I looked at the window. It was still dark, and clock notified me that the sun will set soon.

4:54 a.m.

The bed showed no signs that I slept with someone together.

But my last memory was that I was kissing Luhan. We stayed on the couch and I kissed him till I became drunk with the taste of Brandy on his lips. I felt dreamy and felt asleep on his arms.

"J-just a dream?" I asked myself with a relief.

We're both engaged. We really wouldn't do things like that.

I love Taehyung while he loves Xiaotong. End of conversation.

I decided to check on Luhan and to see if everything was really a dream.

He was peacefully sleeping with his head resting on his desk and piled of papers around him. The bottle of Brandy, which I remembered that I hid already, was next to him.

Confirmed. A dream.

I sighed heavily. Good thing that was saved from another regret.

I flinched when I heard him yawn. Luhan stretched his arms. His hair was messy and he still had his clothes from yesterday's work.

"Finally... You're awake..." He murmured with his voice and line same as my dream.

I thought that if I do the same events, it would lead us to kissing. So instead of getting the Brandy back on the shelf, I stood firmly from where I was.

"I think we should go home. Now." I suggested, keeping the distance.

Luhan massaged his head. Maybe, because of a hangover.

"You can go. My driver arrived minutes ago. I can take a bath and change my clothes here." Hearing his answer made me realized that the dream wouldn't happen. "It looks rude if anyone sees us spent the night together." He reminded.

It was my first day. I should keep myself out of troubles and office gossips.

I nodded and agreed with him. I carried my coat with me and gave him a professional bid of goodbye. I should leave before the employees return.

"Okay. I'll go now."

The driver was talking to someone on his phone, but I looked like it was only Luhan who was informing the driver to send me home.

The driver looked surprised to see me. I forgot to brush my hair and washed my face. My makeup must had looked like a mess.

"Good morning." I greeted him awkwardly.

He assisted me in the car, but he wouldn't stop looking at me and grin.

"Is there any problem?" I asked politely.

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