❤ MFH Twenty-eight

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Thirteen (13) months have passed since they got apart.

L U H A N ' S  P O V

Graduation was over. Another chapter has ended and it was time to take a big leap and that was to attend college.

Everyone had to move forward in life. I also have to move forward.

Without her...

She missed this one important event of my life... We could have step on the stage together and be there for each other.

Funny how days just passed and I survived a year without her. I miraculously survived. Wow.

Exo was present on Kris' backyard to celebrate. The boys were missing her too, especially EXO-M who was once came with her at this backyard.

But right now, I'm stuck with this naggy girl who was saying a lot of things that I didn't follow.

"Are you listening to what am I saying?" Guan Xiaotong asked me impatiently. I stared at her emotionless.

"No, because I don't care." After that, I took a sip from my wine glass and ignored her. Again.

"I said your friends don't like me obviously." She repeated and pointed at my friends who were standing far from us.

They weren't avoiding us. They distanced themselves to us when they talked about Divina which they always did.

"They don't hate you. They are acting that way because they aren't ready to open up themselves to you." I defended my friends. They weren't bad as she thought.

They were a little bit unreasonable, but you could understand them when you were on their shoes.

"They don't want to open to me because they all want Divina. The girl who will never ever come back in your lives anymore." She said it to herself. It didn't look like she wanted me to hear it, but I did anyway.

The glass made a loud sound when I placed it back harshly on the table.

"You know that I didn't force you to come with me. So, deal with it." It sounded so mean, yet I have no plans on taking it back.

I didn't like everything she said since I listened to her.

"Even you. You don't treat me the way you treat her..." Xiaotong frowned childishly at me.

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