❤ MFH Twenty

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I visited Angel's Lounge, the cafeteria that Luhan and I once went, because of the invitation sent by Eun Tak. I didn't know how they found where I live, but I knew it was Gong Yoo's work.

It's been a month since I last visited. They invited me for a chat. More likely, they wanted to hear what's the story between me and Luhan.

"So, you decided to set aside your relationship as siblings? That means I can also set aside the fact that he is my uncle!" Eun Take exclaimed excitedly that made Gong Yoo looked at him in annoyance.

"Uncle?" Hyekyo asked amusingly. The topic was about the past life relationship.

"Don't tell me that he's my boyfriend? He's too old for me." Eun Tak pressed childishly.

"Hey! I'm still young! And I won't date a sulky woman like you!" He fired back.

"Really? How old are you then?!" Eun Tak wouldn't just give up.

Hyekyo shook her head slightly. I guessed she was always trapped on the fight of these two.

"We're not even sure if they really siblings." She commented on my case.

"Well, if they do, they will be forced to continue like before. No one can change the past." Senior Angel Gong Yoo said seriously. He looked at me as if he was warning me.

"And how will you know!? You're different from us." Eun Tak pinched his arm and he flinced that made us laugh.

He had no power over her. Their relationship improved by the last time I visited. Gong Yoo seemed to accept their fate. A fate that they have to unfold together.

"But I think Mr. Kim is right." Hyekyo agreed. She knew Senior Angel Gong Yoo too, who is known as Kim Shin to Eun Tak. "After all, Joongki and I will still be husband and wife."

"How about you? Do you feel like you're really siblings?" Eun Tak asked curiously like everyone did. They eyed me suspiciously and their cups of coffee just remained on hanging on their hands.

"I-i don't know." I answered honestly. I meant, if we were, I didn't really mind.

"The question is, what are you gonna do if he is your brother?" Hyekyo looked at me with her cup back on the table. Her legs were crossed. "Because you don't seem to like that he's one."

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