❤ MFH Forty One

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L U H A N ' S  P O V

I ran like a mad man towards the arrival area.

I received a text from Xiatong that said the plane just landed, while the boys, Divina and I were on a heated conversation.

I replied as soon as I read it and told her honestly that I couldn't fetch her. Yet, she was determined.

She said that she was going to wait no matter how long it was because she also made me wait for a month to settle our marriage.

But almost two hours had passed. Xiaotong was sitting on one of the benches. Alone in that empty area. Only her luggage next to her.

She was playing with her fingers while her feet were tapping the tiles. She must be bored an angry for what I did.

But when she lifted her head and saw me, her face automatically lightened up and I swore to God that guilt ate me.

How could I break her heart now?

"Hey. I'm sorry for making you wait. I booked you a room in the nearest five star hotel." I pushed the cart where her luggage were in.

Xiaotong clung to my arms naturally like she always did. She has a bright smile on, and a lot of stories from her trip awaited me.

"I feel at home in your own house. My room must be missing me." She sung happily, ignoring the idea why I booked her a room in a hotel instead.

She was starting her stories till we got in the car. I secured her seatbelt before I started the engine, but she leaned to give me a kiss and I distinctly moved away.

Xiatong looked surprised with my actions.

"I'm sorry." I raked my hair with my fingers in frustration. Now she had a hint.

Her expression softened.

"Are you sorry for making me wait or about other else?" She looked at me with such innocent eyes like she had no idea that it was the night that would change our relationship.

"It's about the other else."

Her mouth opened, but then no words came. She sat properly, facing the front rather than looking at me.

"Have you eaten? It's been a month since we ate together. We can go discuss about our upcoming wedding." She changed the topic, but seeing her actions, I knew that she understood it.

"I have already eaten." I replied coldly.

"You're acting weird."

"Divina is back, Xiaotong." I informed her and she didn't look surprised about it.

"I know." She straightened on her seat while her eyes lost its glow.

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