Chapter 14

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Jiyeon's POV

[The Next Day]

I woke up smiling, thinking of what happened yesterday.

I don't know why I was even mad at him in the first place, maybe I'm just..confused?

Honestly, I have no idea.

Maybe just playing hard to get or something?

I did my morning routine and walked happily to school.

Though I remembered to wear something different today, something unique.

Eventually I wore a short skirt and a crop top.

Why so revealing though?

Meh, I'll just wear it anyway, dress to impress.

As soon as I reached the classroom, Jungkook was there peacefully sitting on his chair with his hands supporting his head.

He smirked at me as soon as his gaze fell upon me.

However his face wasn't the first thing I noticed of him but something else, lower.

Tight black leather pants.

(a/n: while i was writing this i accidentally wrote 'tight black leather plants' lmao)

I walked casually towards my desk while Jungkook was looking at me the whole time.

"Someone's dressed up seducingly today." he spoke up.

"Talking about 'dressing up seducingly.'" I referred to his pants.

"Glad you noticed?" he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Glad I noticed what?" I asked, pretending not to notice his pants.

"You clearly know what I'm talking about." he winked.

I only rolled my eyes at him because I couldn't deny that I was being tempted by the pants.

"You seem happy and hyped today." I mentioned.

"Of course I am."

"Why is that?"

"Guess who didn't kiss the lockers yesterday?"

It all made sense that he was happy because he kissed me yesterday but I just wanted to annoy him a little bit.

"Umm, let me guess. Jimin?"

He groaned in annoyance because I mentioned his name before he shook his head.

"How about Taehyung?"


"Mr Jung?"



"No and when did you?"

"Umm, I never did. about, let's see. Not kissed the locker? Your mom perhaps?"

"You don't even know my mom."

"Of course I do." I confidently grinned.

"What's her full name then, huh?"

"Kim Seokjin."

Jungkook gave me this dazzled look and facepalmed himself because right now my brain is as dumb as a goldfish.

Well not purposely though, so pfft.

"Are you purposely trying to be dum-"

"Yes. I get what you're trying to say."

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