Chapter 34

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Jungkook's POV

"Congratulations Mr Jeon Jungkook, the baby's DNA and yours match. It's positive."

The doctor stared deep into my brown orbs, waiting for my response.

"So..?" the doctor asked because it's almost been a minute now that I'm spacing out.

"Congratulations Oppa~ What have I told you this whole time? Wasn't I always positive that you're my baby's father?" she smirked, also at the same time smiling.

"Wasn't I always negative?" I scoffed, currently mad at the whole world right now.

I shifted my gaze towards the paper where the final results were and what the doctor told me was true.

Soon I had to rub my eyes and blink continuously, maybe I'm seeing things or I'm dreaming.

But no matter how much I looked at the results, they weren't going to change and eventually gave up.

Seolhyun probably knew what I was thinking because she chuckled in an annoying tone at my reaction.

"Oppa, no matter how much you keep looking at that paper, the results will never change, it's positive and always had been." she chuckled.

"What kind of bullshit is this? This is fake, all of this is fake, your baby is fake, you're fake." I pointed directly towards her.

"Are you questioning the results in a hospital?" she smirked.

"What if I am? How can I tell that you're not lying or anything? What if there was something wrong while doing the test? What if this doctor doesn't even know how to do DNA tests?"

"Don't tell me that you have doubts about him. He's a professional doctor with ten years of experience, how can you question him like that?" she shot me a disgusted look.

"Well okay, I'm not going to question him. I'll just question your existence instead."

"Too bad though, no matter what, you can't do anything about it. No matter what you say, I don't care. This baby is yours and you're going to be stuck with me forever whether you like it or not."

I pinched myself just in case to check whether I'm dreaming or not, but sadly all of this is reality.

Out of frustration, I ran out of the room and ran out of the hospital, driving back home.

I don't care if she gets left alone in the hospital but I really don't need to hear or see anything that's just going to get me more frustrated than I already was.

Even if there's no one to take her back, I couldn't care less even though she's seven months pregnant already.

If she gets left alone, I don't care.

If she dies of hunger, I don't care.

If she becomes homeless, I still wouldn't care.

That's how much concern I have for her.

I flopped down on my head as I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to face the reality.

My phone suddenly blinked out of nowhere, indicating that I received a new message.

Princess <3: Have you got the results yet?

Jiyeon was chill now, since we haven't got the results that time but now that I do, I don't know what her reaction would be but I know it would be really bad.

Me: Yeah, I did.

Princess <3: So what was it?

Are you the father or not?

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