He's cutter than you!

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"So, where do you wish to go next my lady?" Ethan asked.

"Hmm... let me see." You say as you roam your eyes around the mall.

As you two continue to walk, your eyes land on one specific store that made your heart melt away.

"That one!" You yell at Ethan, pointing to the Pet Shop. (No not the toy one, these animals are real.)

"Okay, let's go." Ethan said.

"Aw, come on E! I really want to go! Why do you hate me!" You beg Ethan.

"Babe, but I said yes." Ethan remarked.

"Oh,... sorry! I thought you said no." You say as you give him an innocent smile.

Ethan grabs your hand and walks you over to the store. You two walked in and the first thing you see were puppies!

"Oh my gawd!" You say with a squeaky voice. "They are all so cute!"

You roam around until you spot one that you fell deeply in love with. You gasp as you walk over to it and pick it up. "Aww, babe. Look at this cutie!"

You walk over to Ethan and show him the little husky. "Aww, it's so cute." He said as he pets him.

"Can we get him!?" You say as you put on your puppy dog eyes.

"You promise to help me take care if it?" He pointed at me.

"Yes, I promise! I we can take turns! I do the first day and you do the second day and we'll keep going on like that!" You say, getting all excited.

"Okay, looks like we are getting our first ever puppy." Ethan smiled.

"Hey, he's not our first ever PUPPY, he's out first ever SON." You smile.

"You know I don't want to be called dad yet, but for you I'll allow it because I love you." He kissed your forehead.

"I love you, too." You kiss him back.

You take out your phone and start to snapchat. "Hey guys, look at our new family member! Isn't he cute!?"

Ethan appears from behind you and starts to pet him, "Heck yeah he is."

"He's cutter than you!" You then said and before the video ends, you catch Ethan's reaction to saying that about him.

"How could you say that!?" Ethan says, fake hurt.

"Because I love you and not just because of your appearance, but because of your personality." You say.

Ethan smiles widely and he kisses you. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Okay so this is clearly my first Ethan Dolan Imagines and remember there is still more to come. 💜💜

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