killer clowns

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it was October 29 and Ethan had set up a nice cute but spooky date for us. by that, i meant that we are going to watch a scary movie in his backyard. it was practically like those home made theater dates that you see all over Tumblr.

"babe, what movie are we watching?" I asked him.

"IT." Ethan held up the movie.

"fuck. Ethan you know i hate clown movies!" i start to whine.

"don't worry, i'll protect you from anything scary that comes up." he said as he started to set up the movie.

i was scared. like dead ass scared for my life. but i wasn't going to continue to whine to Ethan about it. it was a good that it wasn't completely dark, Ethan had put some lights around us.

he started the movie and my heart was already pounding, without anything scary happening yet. i held on to the Ethan the whole time. it was already the middle of the movie and Ethan said he had to go to the restroom.

"no! don't leave me alone!" i cried.

"babe, i really have to go. if you want i'll tell Grayson to come and stay here with you until i come back." he suggested.

"okay." i said.

Ethan nodded his head and he ran inside and i heard him call for Grayson before he closed the door.

it had been a few minutes and Grayson hadn't come out yet. i was scared because Ethan let the movie playing and i'm out here alone in the dark because Grayson's dumbass hasn't come out yet. i grabbed my phone and i dialed Ethan phone.

"i'm coming babe, don't worry i'm almost done pooping." Ethan said. it made me giggle.

"no, i wasn't calling you because of that. it's just, Grayson still hasn't come out of the house yet. i'm alone and scared." i said to him.

"don't worry, i'm already done pooping. i need to whip my ass and then i'll be out there with you in a little." Ethan said.

"okay and tmi you nasty ass clown." i said to him.

"you've been hanging around Grayson too much." Ethan commented.

"sorry that he is my best friend." i said sarcastically.

"yeah yeah. let me whip my butt now, would you?" Ethan asked.

"go for it." i smiled.

"okay bye babe." he hung up and i turned off my phone and looked at the screen.

then i suddenly felt as if someone was looking at me. i just hoped that it was Ethan staring at me as he was coming back from the restroom. i turn around and i don't see him. i started to get really scared, and i checked my surroundings. i looked and i don't see anyone, but i then heard leaves crunching. i turned around and i see a fucking clown.

"no, no don't play this shit.." i say as i stand up.

the clown was still walking up to me, turning it's head now and then. i started to back up, "Ethan, your ass better be the one who is in that fucking costume." i say out to the clown.

but i then hear the door open from the house and i turn to see Ethan coming out. fuck. "Ethan, run!" i yell out to him.

i turn and i start to run towards the house. Ethan sees the clown and i hear him yell out 'shit'. Ethan runs towards me and i'm yelling at him to run into the house, but he doesn't listen. he runs faster and he then pushes me towards the house as he goes in front of me to make the clown focus on him instead of me.

"Ethan no!" i scream at him the clown starts to focus his attention at Ethan.

"babe. get out of here! call for help or something! but if i don't make, i love you and you're the best thing that has ever happened to me." Ethan said and he took quick glances between me and the clown.

i was worried for him, but i wasn't going to listen to his good-byes, not now, i'm not ready to say goodbye to him. i ran inside and thankfully, the first thing that i saw that i could use as a weapon, was belt. i run back outside and i see the clown start to pull something out from behind, it was a knife.

i run faster and right when he was about to jump on Ethan, i hit the clown hard with the belt on his back. (aye, Mexican style) he drops the knife and goes to touch where i just hit him. i was about to go and hit him for the second time before Ethan takes the belt out from my grip.

"Ethan, what the hell!?" i yell at him.

"y/n, it's Grayson!" Ethan yells back at me as he is laughing.

Grayson takes off the mask and i can see tears falling from his eyes. "ow! fuck, y/n! did you have to hit me that hard!?"

"oh my god! Grayson, i'm sorry." i rush to his side and i start to take off the clown outfit. i pull out my phone and turn on my flash, i light his back and i see a bruise starting to form.

"note to self, Ethan, never try to prank y/n again or else she will hit you with a belt." Grayson said as he was laying on the ground, still crying from the pain i caused him.

"this was a prank!?" i yell.

"yeah, Ethan and i tried to scare you by setting up this date. we have hidden cameras all over to get your reaction. it was a youtube idea." Ethan said as he clean up his tears as well from laughing to much.

"you guys are dicks. i actually thought that Ethan and i were going to die. Grayson, you deserve that for making me shit my pants." i say.

"yeah i guess i did." Grayson started to slowly get up but was wincing every time he did.

"i'll help you heal up still, but you still deserve it. Ethan, i'm getting you back." i give him a glare and i start helping Grayson walk to the house.


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