dead boyfriend

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ever since his incident, i haven't felt the same. not only that, but everywhere i went, i always felt like i was being watched. but for some strange reason, the feeling of me being watched felt somewhat, comforting as if i knew that with that thing watching me, i would be safe. 

i told Grayson, my boyfriends brother, how I've been feeling lately. he was freaked out, but not because i was feeling this sort of way, but because he was feeling the same as well. 

one day, we decided to have a sleepover at his house, down in the basement. we wanted to know who was it that kept watching us, was is it Ethan's ghost, or was it someone else? we made one rule before we went downstairs, and that was that we would spend the whole night down here and we would not go upstairs until morning, mostly because tonight, we are going to play with the Ouji Board. that is how we are going to figure out who is watching us.

we grabbed everything we will need so we don't have to come back upstairs. Cameron was home that day so we told her to lock the door and whatever happens, to not let us back up until 7 in the morning. 

we turned off the lights and Grayson set up a lamp that he used when he made videos with Ethan. but he dimmed it so we can still see the board, but made it dark around the room. 

Grayson and i said our prayers, put on our cross necklaces and started to play. "is there any spirits that would like to contact us, yes or no?" 

it moved to yes. "what is your name?" Gray asked.

"E-T-H-A-N. Ethan.." i spelled out but then lowered my voice as i realized who we were talking to. 

"hey, y/n, it's okay, before we are sure it is him, lets ask him some questions that only us three know about him that no one else knows." Gray said.


i looked at the board i thought of something that only Ethan and I know. "if this is really Ethan, then what was my first favorite band from when i was little? and i don't mean at the age of 13, i mean way before i went into middle school." 

it started to move to all these letters that made my heart start to ache and tears start to form. i said the name out loud, "Rebelde." (it was a mexican band that i loved back in the day so yeah)

"that's right." Grayson said.

i whipped away my tear and i looked up at Grayson, "ask a question."

"what was the name i gave to my teddy bear when i was 6?" i knew the answer because he had told me.

"J-I-M-M-Y. Jimmy." Gray and I looked at each other and Grayson started to cry. a few seconds later, i started crying as well.

i took a deep breath and in and i went ahead and asked another question. "ethan, are you the one looking over us? gray and i have been having the feeling of being watched everywhere we go. is that you?" 

it went straight to yes. i started to bawl my eyes out. Grayson scooted over to me and he side hugged me, rubbing my arm and i cried on him. then, Grayson and i got a feeling that someone was walking towards us, coming from the dark. we looked in the direction we heard the footsteps coming from and there, we saw Ethan walking up to us, smiling.

"Ethan?" We both questioned.

"hey guys." he waved.

"but, but how?" Gray asked.

"he gave me permission to be seen so i can give you guys a message before you guys can no longer see me."

"okay, tell us." i said.

"thank you guys for an amazing life. Grayson, thank you for being my brother and sticking with me throughout the time we got bullied. thank you for all the amazing memories i've built with you. just thank so much for everything, especially when there were times we fought. i couldn't ask for a better brother. take care of the fans, let them know how much i love them and thank them for giving us something to live for. tell them i said thank you for making our dreams come true, but Gray, please don't stop making videos. i know it might not be the same, but continue doing them, do it for me and for the fans. don't stop only because i'm not there anymore. make videos with y/n. keep making the fans smile, even when times are rough for them. promise me you will never stop, no matter what." ethan smiled at Grayson and Grayson was crying.

"i promise, ethan." Ethan smiled at him.

"y/n, i know that i left without getting to say goodbye, mostly because neither one of us knew seeing you would be the last. but i just wanna say, thank you for coming into my life and loving me for me and not my fame. thank you for giving me the full experience of how a relationship because frankly, i didn't get to with my last one. thank you for being there when i just needed time to think. i knew, that i could always count on you when i wanted to just relax and spend some time with my beautiful girlfriend. also, don't stay single forever. just because we never broke up doesn't mean that you still have to stay loyal to me. find someone else, someone who you will treat you like i treated you. as a matter of fact, Grayson can be your new boyfriend. i know that he has a crush on you, and he still does. but he was being my brother and he didn't want to ruin our relationship. i know that he will treat you well. so please, continue life, but if you two do decided to get together, take it slow yeah? don't want the fans to start hating on each of you now that i'm gone. but that is all i wanted to say, just know that, i will always be looking out for you guys, not just you but all of your family members. i love you guys. i'll be waiting for you guys on the other side. bye." with that he was gone.  

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