we dont talk anymore

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it has been 6 months since we have last spoken. that's the longest we went without speaking. we don't even see each other anymore. what world do we even live in? we have been best friends since birth and we don't even bother to stay in touch anymore. we live in the same place for crying out loud! well, not like the same apartment, more like we both live in Los Angeles and we don't even live that far from each other.

i only talk to Ethan's brother now, Grayson. i always ask for Ethan but he says that he's fine. but when he says it, it sounds as if they are hiding something from me. but how would i know? they haven't invited me over to their house in 6 months!

but then, one day when Gray and I hung out, he invited me over.

"wait, Grayson." i put one of my hands on his arm.

"what's up?"

"how come after six months, you finally decide to invite me over?" i say as i crossed my arms.

he sighed and looked at me directly in the eyes. "look, i didn't know either. i was just as confused as you are. but i now know."

"know what?" i ask him.

"i want to tell you, but i rather let Ethan tell you." he said.

"wait, so what i picked up from all of this is that, you haven't invited me over because Ethan told you not to?" i say, a bit of anger starting to boil in me.

"um.. yeah. pretty much." Grayson scratched the back of his head.

"wow. i can't believe this. so he just out of nowhere decide that he didn't need me in his life anymore so he practically doesn't say it to my face and now after 6 months of not talking he decides to invite me over to talk about who knows what?!" i say as the anger inside me started growing.

"y/n, calm down. it's not because of that. i promise you that it's not because of that he stopped talking to you. just please, come over and let him explain. trust me, i was just as mad as you where when he told me to tell you to come over, but after he told me, i understand why he did it." Grayson said as he put a hand on your shoulder.

"fine, i'll come over. but is Ethan's excuse is a bunch of bull shit, i'm out." i told him.

"deal, i'll make sure to take you home."


Gray and I were standing right in front of their apartment and my heart was racing and i had no idea what to say, it's been forever since we last spoke. but i sucked it up.

Gray opened up the door and we walked in. everything looked the same, nothing has changed. i was too busy looking at their apartment that i didn't notice Grayson walk away.

"Gray, are you home?" my breathing stopped.

that was Ethan's voice. it was so low and husky... it just made my heart race even faster.

"yeah!" Gray responded back.

"is she here as well?" Ethan lowered his voice, but i was still able to hear.

that's when i slowly started to walk in the direction i heard his voice. "yeah." Grayson said.

i popped out from the corner and they both looked at me. Ethan was staring at me for a while before he broke his stare.

i cleared my throat before speaking. "hi, Ethan."

"hey, y/n"


part two coming out later!

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