fake love

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where my bts lovers at? don't come at me though! i'm not really a big fan of them i just like their music! why? because my friend loves them and then she got me listening to them so... yeah


Ethan Dolan. now there's a name everyone in my whole school knows. they all know him as the schools heart breaker. why? it's simple really. he is the type of guy to get with girls and then fuck around with them and then drop them and move on to the next girl. when he first started doing this, he had ruined so many friendships because he would go girl after girl and he didn't care if it was his ex girlfriends friend. now, every time he would do this, friendships wouldn't be ruined because they knew what he was trying to do, but they wouldn't pay attention to it. Ethan would even go to those "low-lives" as people around school would call them.

but then, something changed in him. this time, instead of trying to break hearts, he was actually trying to have a serious relationship. but no one in school believed him and would either, give him a chance or a second chance.

that is, until he came to me.

let's flashback to when this all happened, shall we?


"hey, y/n." Ethan said as he rested his back on the lockers next mine.

"um.. hi?" i questioned.

"you doing anything later?" he asked.

i knew what he was trying to do. he's been going around school for the past couple of months. "yes, actually. i need to study for my history test."

"oh, well.. i could use some help studying for my history test as well." he said, scratching the back of his neck.

shit, i forgot that i had him for that class. no only that, but i was taking my sweet ass time packing up my shit that i overheard the teacher telling Ethan to look for a study partner cause he was failing her class. Ethan begged for her to not have a study partner, but she refused. she even said that if he doesn't, then she would. and guess who was on her mind to help him study!? ME!

"so, i'm the chosen one then." i raised my eyebrow at him.

"yeah.. i guess."

i wanted to say no so badly, but i knew that she would put us together no matter what. i was the only one in that class that can help him out with his studies. so i guess i didn't really have a choice. but i did have a say.

"fine. but you're only coming over to study. don't think that i'm going to be your next victim in having a chance to have a serious relationship." i said to him.

me nodded his head and held up his hands in the air. "got it."

i closed my locker and walked away to go to my next class.


that didn't end going as planned. after that, he became my study partner. we've been seeing each other every time we had a test, which was after every lesson. so basically every week. i ended up catching feelings for him cause we got to know each other more. he then had asked me to be his girlfriend and me letting my feelings get in the way, said yes.

after that, we had been dating for 5 months. until i found out everything.

let's flashback again to that day where it all went downhill.


Ethan and I had been together for 5 months. today, we decided to see some movies at his house. we had finished watching two other movies, but Ethan really wanted to see another one. so we did.

half way through the movie, Ethan ended up falling asleep. he was so cute. i was resting my head on his chest while watching the movie. until i heard his phone go off.

i ignored it though because i didn't want to be like those girlfriends who snoop around their boyfriends phone to see if he is cheating or not. so i just left it.

i then got a notification on my phone. i checked it and it was Kyle, Ethan's friend.

he sent me snapchat and i opened it and read the message.

kingkyle👑: hey y/n, do you know where Ethan is? i've been trying to reach him but he doesn't answer his phone

me: he fell asleep next to me bc we were watching about three movies already why?

kingkyle👑: nevermind it's good just tell him to call me when he wakes up

me: okay? but is everything alright?


he left me on read. i was concerned though. this was a weird chat. curiosity got the best of me and i checked Ethan's phone.

i saw the message that Kyle had sent him and my eyes started to water.

kyle: dang bro you actually did it! 5 months with that bitch! well then, looks like i owe you your money then

he did this for money. he pretended to care and love for me.. for money.

angry tears started forming in my eyes and i quickly turned and slapped Ethan hard across the face and he woke up in an instant.

"babe! what the fuck! why did you slap me?" he asked confused as he stood up.

"because you lied! you lied to me for 5 months!" i yelled.

"what are you talking about!?" he yelled back.

"you lied that you loved me! you did all of this shit for money! all for fucking money!" i said as i held up his phone with the message on the screen. i threw him his phone and he read it.

his face soften and his expression turned into guilt. "no, babe, listen, you don't understand."

"i understand plenty. this is all just a big game for you isn't it? this was just a fake love. you faked your love for me just to get payed. i shouldn't have ever given you a chance. i knew deep down that you were going to hurt me, but once i got to know you more, i truest thought that maybe you were just misjudged, but i wrong. i was so wrong." i shook my head while my tears kept falling.

i felt him by my side in a flash but i quickly moved away, not wanting to be near him. "babe, please just let me explain!"

"i'm done listening to your bullshit of an excuse! this is over! we're done! forget us! forget this! this was all just one huge lie that i fell for! i'm done with this fake love! i'm done!" i grabbed my phone that i set down on the coffee table and ran out of his house.

i hear his faint cries for me, but i just kept running. i somehow managed to get home without getting ran over by a car because i wasn't really looking where i was going.

i just stayed in my bedroom, crying because i fell for the heartbreakers game.

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