Makeover Time!

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As I walk down the school halls, I come across to the two jocks hurting Ethan, again.

I jog up to them and pull them both by the ears, "Ow! Hey, (y/n)! Let us go!" Tez said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just I was taught to always discipline naughty children." I say to both of them.

"What the fuck? Why are you calling us children?" Leo asked.

"That's because I see two preschoolers bullying someone real close to me... now, how would you two enjoy to sit back during the Football Game this Friday?" I ask them as I pull on their ears a little harder.

"No, you wouldn't!" Leo says in shock.

"Don't think I won't, Leotard!" I say looking at him.

"Ugh! Okay fine! We'll stop..." He said as I let go of both their ears.

"For now." Leo said under his breath.

I turn around again and grab both their ears, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. What did you say? I couldn't hear you since you were mumbling. Can you repeat what you said?" I asked him.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Nothing! I said nothing!" He said holding onto his ears.

This time, I shoved them before I let go of their ears. The stumbled a little until they found their footing once more. "You will pay for this, y/n!"

I stomped my foot down and they left running down the hall. "Pussies." I shout at them.

I turn back to face Ethan who was still on the ground, groaning out in pain. I run up to him before kneeling down next to him. "E, are you okay?"

I lift his head up with my fingers slowly and I see that his lip is cut up bad, he has a black eye, forming, and bruises forming around his face. "Ethan," I say with a low voice before he opens his eyes and he looks me in the eyes.

"It hurts," he says as I see a tear slip down his face.

I whip it away and help him up, "Come on. I'll take you to get your lip stitched up." He leaned on me and we walked out of school.

I see that Ethan starts to get nervous as we exit school campus. "I know, E, you don't want to skip school, but we need to stitch this up before it gets infected." I smile at him.

He tries to smile back but he hisses in pain from the cut on his lip. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything until we get it stitched up."

Ethan nods his head. I put him in the passenger seat and I then make my way over to the drivers seat. I take him to the hospital and I see my uncle signing some papers. "Uncle (his name),"

He turned to look at me and he smiles, "Hey, babe. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?"

"Yeah, I know I should, but please don't tell mom. It's just, Ethan, you remember him don't you?" He nods his head, "Yeah well, two jocks were beating him up earlier and his lip got cut open and it's bad. I really need you to give him stitches."

He pulled on his gloves and walks up to Ethan, "Okay, I'm just gonna look at it right now and then we'll go and get him stitched up. Okay?"

I nod my head and I turn towards Ethan. I helped him life his head up, careful not go cause him any pain. My uncle checks his lip and every time he pats over it, Ethan squeezes his eyes shut real tight and squeezes my hand. I rest my head on his shoulder and whisper, "It's okay, E."

"Yeah, he needs stitches. Take him to room 358, I will be there in a few with the equipment needed."

I nodded and before he left, I asked him if he could get him some pain killers to ease the pain.

Okay my Ethan girls! I wasn't really expecting this to be THIS long, so i decided to make a part two to this imagine. So Sorry, but you will have to wait a little longer to see part two. Love you girls tho!

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