trick or treat

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it was Halloween night and my friends and i decided to go get candy over by Hollywood. we decided this mostly because we have friends here that said that they give out the good candy and they are also big. 

we have arrived at one of our friends house and from there, we went to get candy. we went from door to door receiving candy. it was dark, which i loved, but there was also fog, which was weird because that never happens here. i was worried, until i saw that a house was the reason why there was fog in the streets, they had a fog machine. 

we walked over to this one house that had a maze, i was scared and i started to walk slowly. by the time we got there, my friends wanted turned to me and said, "you guys ready to go in?" 

i stepped back and said, "i don't know. i'm not to fond of scary mazes." 

"aww, y/n, don't be a party pooper."  one of them said.

"just because i want to stay behind doesn't mean that i'm stopping you from going, right? you guys go on ahead, i'll wait out here." i said to them.

"alright, we'll be back in a bit." she said and they all walked in. 

i stepped aside and i waited for them to return. 

one second later, this group of guys came by and they all wanted to go in, one stayed behind, just like i did. but it did felt like a set up because he looked at me before he said that he was staying behind. 

the guys walked in and then that one dude that stayed behind came up to me. "hi." 

"um.. hi?" i said, unsure if i should be talking to him.

"my names Ethan, what about yours?" he questioned.

he voice triggered me. it sounded sexy, but i knew that i can't fall in love with a guy only because his voice sounds sexy, even though i have done that many times before. 

"y/n." i quickly replied.

"nice to meet you. so may i ask, why you are out here by yourself?" 

"well, um... my friends wanted to go in but i'm a pussy and didn't want to go in." i said to him and smiled.

"me too. well, kind of." he said.

"what do you mean by kind of?" i asked.

"i mean that i'm down to go in but i'm not ready for what's going to pop out at me. the guys they called me a pussy but i didn't care, because i saw you here and i knew that i was going to spend these few seconds with you." Ethan rubbed his neck.

i blushed, thank god it was dark. it took every piece of confidence in me to say back to him, "do you already have a crush on me even though you just met me?" 

i saw him hesitate, as if he was nervous to say yes because he didn't know what my response will be. "well... i mean... yes... but... like you said, we just met... i don't want to... rush it. i just actually want to get to know you before i even dare to take the next step. but the only way to do that is if you let me become part of your life as a friend, and then we can.... possibly start from there." 

i thought about it. but i don't know because he is a stranger, but he also seems very nice. maybe i should give him a chance. "Ethan, of course i'll give you a chance, but i'm trusting you on this because this usually doesn't happen to me. but i sweat to god if you hurt me in anyway, i won't hesitate to get you out of my life, alright?" 

"promise." Ethan smiled with excitement.

i smiled and then Ethan started to look back at the maze. "how about begin with, we go into this maze together?" 

i looked at the maze and thought, why not? "okay, sure." 

he takes my hand and we go in, but right as we are walking, my friends and his come out. they are all laughing but as soon as they see us both, they start to stare.

"y/n, where are you going?" my friend asked.

"i'm going in the maze with Ethan, won't be too long." i smiled.

then his friends stopped him. "bro, who's that?"

"my new friend, we just met. i'm going in the maze with her, you guys can go on. i'm going to get candy with her for the rest of the night. see you guys tomorrow." and with that we walked into the maze. 


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