Makeover Time! 2

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I sat Ethan down and we waited for my Uncle to come in. I grab a clean cloth and I wet it, I walk over to Ethan and I slowly start to clean up his cut. Ethan winces each time I pat it with the wet cloth.

"Sorry, E. I'm trying to do it as lightly as I can." I say.

"It's okay, I know you wouldn't do this on purpose." I smile and I continue to clean it up. Once I am done, my Uncle comes in and he starts to stitch up Ethan's lip. Of course I was by Ethan's side the whole time. He squeezed my hand so tight each time the needle went in his lip, but he knew it had to get done.

"Okay that should do it." My Uncle said as he started to take off his gloves. "You kids wait here, I going to get Ethan's pills so the cut won't get infected and I will also get some type of cream to help heal up those bruises on your stomach."

"Okay, thanks Uncle." He nodded his head and left.

Right when he left, I got a call from Grayson. I quickly answered it and a ton of questions were being thrown at me.

"Where is Ethan, y/n!?"

"Is he okay!?"

"Who the fuck did it!?"

"Is he dead!? Please tell me he's not!"

"Y/N please tell me Ethan is okay!"

"GRAYSON!" I yell at him.


"He's fine. I just brought him to the hospital to get stitches cause those fuckers really did bruise him up real bad." I say.

"Is, is that it? He's not dying is he?" Grayson continued.

"No, Gray, he's fine. He just has some bruises forming on his stomach but he should be fine. My uncle is getting him some type of cream to help them heal up and pills so his lip won't get infected.

"Oh okay, thank god. But who were the jerks that hurt my brother!?" Grayson yelled once more through the phone.

"That doesn't matter anymore. I already talked to them, you can say, they shouldn't bother Ethan anymore. And if they do, boy you will be helping me with those two bitches." I say.

"Heck yeah I will." Grayson said. "Okay, I will meet you.. umm, where do you want to meet up?"

"At my house, I am not going back to school to deal with everyone laughing at Ethan." I say.

"Okay, I will meet you there. Bye." We hung up and I went back to Ethan.

"What did he say?" Ethan asked.

"He was just worried for you. He was asking what had happened to you and if you were dead..."

"What!? Why the hell would he ask that?" Ethan said, chuckling a little.

"I don't know, but you do have a weird brother." I say giggling.

My Uncle came back and gave Ethan his pills and cream and we were out. My uncle said to put some cream on his bruises when we got home. He told us that he will email me the times he has to take a pill and put the cream on.

We left and I took us to my house.

"Thanks again, y/n for taking me to get stitches... even though I was scared out of my mind." He chuckled.

"Anything for you, E. You and Gray mean the world to me, don't forget that." The rest of the way home, we listened to some music and Ethan was just jamming out and singing to me. I sang back to him of course, and we just laughed.

When we got to my house, I see Grayson's car parked in the driveway. We get out and walk up the door. I open it up and we come in.

"You hungry?" I asked Ethan.

"Um, yeah sure." Ethan said as he started to take off his shoes.

"Okay, let's go." We started to walk towards the kitchen and right when we walked through the door, I screamed out.


Cliffhanger! Wonder what happened to Gray? Something bad? Something nasty? Who knows?

I will update it soon.

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