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the dolans and you enjoyed a good scare. when there was an event that was happening around your area, the three of you were there. that's what's the three of you were mostly known for. you three shared a youtube account and there was mostly scary videos.

one time you were watching other youtubers that do scary videos and you came across this one youtubers named OmarGoshTv. him and his friends somehow ended up on Crybaby Bridge. it seemed like a good adventure to do with the twins. so once you showed them, they were down right away. so we collected all of our stuff needed for the video.


it was midnight and you and the twins were heading over to Cry Baby Bridge. you guys had already started recording your journey and were excited.

since you were just a young adult, 18, your mom wanted you to call her as soon as you arrived at the bridge. you tried to tell your mom that there was net reception there, but she didn't care.

you pulled out your phone and just like you said, there was no service. "i tried to tell her!"

"no service?" Grayson asked.

"no service." you repeated.

"means we are very close then." Ethan said as he turned around and he lifted up his brow and stroked his chin.

the three of you laughed and Ethan laughed afterwards once his realized it was stupid but you still found it funny and cute.

as soon as the three of you stopped laughing, the bridge came into view. "holy shit, guys. there it is!"

Gray wanted to drive closer to it, but the car then broke down, not far from the bridge.

"what the fuck? Gray, i thought you checked that this car had enough gas?" you questioned.

"y/n, of course i did! you really think i would rent a car and not check to see if there was enough gas? plus we stopped by a gas station to fill up what was needed." Gray pointed out.

"then what the fuck is wrong with it?" Ethan asked.

a light bulb then went off on the top of your head. "wait! this shit happened to Omar too!"

"it did?" they both asked.

"yes! i remember that in the video they had a limo and they didn't know it, but they were heading over here and they were very close to the bridge, just like us. the car then just gave out and the car didn't want to run anymore.l" you explained.

"shit." Grayson chuckled a little.

"let's get off and walk over the bridge. i mean, hardly any cars bad by here anyway." you suggested.

they agreed and the three of you got what was needed and walked over to the bridge.

you explored the bridge a little and not even 5 minutes of being on the bridge, you guys heard a cry of a baby. you were all freaked out and you had not idea how to react. neither did the twins.

"nah, nah, fuck that! i ain't trying to be here any longer after hearing that! let's just do the baby powder thing and let's go." Ethan said, freaking out.

"well too bad because the car is broken down and we can't go anywhere without the car! unless you wanna walk back up the road to get serviced call a someone to pick up this car?" you said to him.

he didn't want to go anywhere alone so he decided to stay. you all kept on checking out the bridge. the three of you split up and took your own cameras with you.

Ethan stayed in the middle and Grayson, being the "badass" that he is, he decided to go under the bridge. as you were exploring the other end of the bridge, you heard footsteps. you turned around to see if it was Ethan, but Ethan wasn't even as close to you. just then, you heard the footsteps coming from the end of the bridge, they sounds as if they were running towards you. you were panting hard because of how scared you were. the footsteps came closer and then you heard it jump into the water. you ran the edge of the bridge and you saw no one. you were terrified because while recording the whole thing, no one was there running towards you. you decided to not question it and just head back. once you got back, Grayson was coming back up again and he had a confused look on his face.

"y/n, were you running on the bridge?" he asked.

"no. wait, eww, you heard that too?" you asked him.

"yes. i also heard something jump into the water. i just thought that you threw a rock or something." Grayson said.

"omg, that's scary. i didn't run or throw into the water. i heard it coming from the other end of the bridge and i was scared. but i didn't see anything, or anyone there. i thought it was Ethan just trying to scare me but it wasn't him." i said.

"you know what, this place is too creepy. let's just go put baby powder to see if there are little baby hand prints and the get out of here." Grayson said.

we agreed and went back to the car. Ethan got out the baby powder and he dumped it out in the back. as soon as that happened, we all went back inside and just sat there.

"i actually nervous. we've never done something like this before." Ethan said as he rubbed his hands together.

"right?" i said.

"i swear if this car starts moving on it's own, that's it i'm running it back and i ain't gonna think twice about you two." Grayson joked.

we started to laugh but it soon stopped as soon as we felt the car moving.

"Grayson, are you stepping on the pedal?" i said.

"no." Grayson said with a worried look.

"no, Gray, seriously, stop." Ethan said.

"i'm not doing that! my foot it literally off the pedal and it's in parked!" Grayson said.

i put the camera on his foot and then back on the lever and it was the way he said it. we all started to scream out and the the car stopped. we all got out after sitting there for 5 minutes not saying anything and just looking at each other. we turned on our flash and shown the back. we all gasped as we saw baby hand prints on the back. we were all freaking the fuck out. we recorded our reactions and then after freaking out we packed out shit and left.

"raise your hand if you never want to go back to that place again." i said.

Ethan raised his, i raised mine, and Grayson raised both his hands and we all screamed bloody murder because the car started to swerve a little and we almost crashed.

you know what sucks?
summer school
yup, i have summer school sadly. and it sucks even more because it is 6 hours in ONE class for THREE weeks. thankfully today was my last day in session one. now i'm off to session two which is health. this sucks, but i need to take this class. mainly because i have taken that class yet and i'm already gonna be a Senior so i need to take it and pass that class.

one more thing,
follow me on my IG, i want friends!

see ya in the next update! love you guys💘


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