we don't talk anymore || pt. 3

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"yeah i remember Crazy Carrie.. what about her?" i asked.

"well, i bumped into her one day when i went to us In-N-Out and.. she pulled me into an alley way and started to talk to me." he started off but then stopped and took in a shaky breath.

"Ethan, it's okay. you can tell me." i rubbed his back and he looked at me and i can see tears forming in his eyes.

"she told me if.. if i didn't stop seeing you.. then she would kill you." i cut him off.

"kill me? yeah right, Crazy Carrie is crazy but she's not insane." i laughed a little but Ethan was serious.

"i thought so too.. but she then showed me a video of you in your bedroom getting ready to come meet up with us. and there recording you was a guy with a gun following your every move. at first i thought it was just a recorded video, but i noticed it was facetime and that what she was showing me was happening in that exact moment." he stopped for a while and his lip was shaking. he then broke into tears and started to cry.

i scooted closer and i comforted him. we stayed that way for 20 minutes until he controlled himself and looked at me.

"i'm sorry.. i had to do it in order for you to be alive. even if i did try to hang out with you without her knowing would put your life in danger. the guy was following you 24/7. so there really was no way for me to avoid that. so i had to take myself out of the picture. now Grayson, i wanted to tell him, but she was watching my every move as well. she hacked into my phone and she watched me through my camera and she turned my mic on. so i couldn't. plus she said she would kill Grayson as well and.. and i didn't want to loose my brother either. so i had to distant myself from the people i cared most about." a single tear rolled down his face and i whipped it away.

"thank you for protecting us but, why are you just saying this now? i thought they were on us 24/7?" i asked.

"because i destroyed my phone and i went in disguise and went to the police. i had to borrow someone's phone to meet up with her. i knew that the day i did it, you were at home doing nothing because that's all you did since i did this. so it was a perfect way to catch him and Crazy Carrie. but even though no murder was caused, the guy was sent to jail for 30 years and Crazy Carrie was sent to an insane asylum for life." Ethan finished.

"so.. we're free from her? from them?" i asked just to make sure.

he smiled widely and nodded his head. "yes."

once he said that, i felt this weight lift off my chest. i'm still surprised as to how i started to have this heavy feeling on me if i just found out about this. but at the same time, i'm not because i feel like the weight that i felt on my shoulder's wasn't just about this news, it was because i now know that i can finally hang out with Ethan after so long. i've missed his dramatic ass and now, i can finally have him back.


1 year later

the twins decided to do a live stream, just like they used to. and before they went live, some fans were already tweeting about it. but the thing was, the twins didn't decide to say anything about it to them because they wanted it to be a surprise to them. which it was. most of the fans told them that they were lying because the twins didn't say anything about it yet. i was just smiling at my phone because i knew that they would all go crazy once they saw the twins tweet about it.

"think it's time?" Ethan asked me as he came from behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

i looked up at him and smiled at him, "i think so."

he smiled and kissed my cheek. i smiled and he walked back over to Grayson. Ethan scooted himself closer to the computer and he pressed the button to go live. they had to take a quick selfie so people can know who they are about to view. they posed and did a funny face and it took it in three seconds. it analyzed it and then they soon went live.

"hey guys! we are back and joining us today is my girlfriend and Grayson's best friend, y/n!"

i rolled onto camera and smiled widely. "WHATS UP GUYS!"


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