Surprise! (2)

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hey guys! yes i'm back! and i know that some of you may be like, "what? you're back so early? did it really take you just 7 days to recollect yourself?" well in my opinion, i haven't really posted an ACTUAL imagine since 1/19/18 and yes i do know that my aunt died last Wednesday and all but she has been suffering since a long time. so that's why my updates have been slow. i was so worried about my aunt that i hardly had any inspiration to write. the death of my aunt is and forever will be a greats impact in my life bc i was only able to see her once. i will always have the memory of me meeting her for the first time. even though it pains me to know that i won't see her again, i know that she's in a better place now bc she's not suffering anymore. she can finally rest in peace. that's what makes me happy. i'm happy to know that she doesn't have to suffer anymore. my mom said my uncle sent her pictures of my aunt when she was still alive, but in those pics she was way more skinnier than i last saw her, and it was before she was in the hospital, spending her last few days there. my mom also had a pic of her coffin, but i told my mom not to show me those pictures because i wanted to remember my aunt the way i saw her when i met her. i want that memory imprinted in my mind rather than seeing her weak. and so i never saw those two pics that my uncle sent my mom. but it's better for me. also i would like to thank every single one of you that commented on my last post. thank you guys for that, i really needed it. i lo e you guys so much💕

let's get into this imagine


before i drove away, i pulled out my camera and continued to record. (yes i'm a vlogger. the twins taught me how to edit and all and i thank them for that.) before i left LA to come to Jersey, i recorded everything.

"okay guys so, i just finished getting ready and i'm about to drive to the twins house. i'm very excited because it's been a while. they will for sure be very shocked and they may shit their pants." i laughed, "well, let's go!"


i got to their house and i parked my car outside. i was so nervous, but at the same time i was excited! i haven't seen them in long ass time. (aka it's been two days since i saw them lol) i grabbed my camera and turned it on.

"okay guys, i'm outside their house, i'm so nervous but i'm really excited to see them. lets go surprise these two goof balls!" i didn't stop recording and i got out my car.

i locked the doors after grabbing my things and i walked up to their door. it was so fucking cold, but that's just Jersey weather when it's the cold season. i was already at in front of their door and i took a deep breath before knocking.

"we'll get it!" i hear two voices yell.

it's them.

i hear their footsteps and the louder they got, my smile just grew wider. the door knob turned and the door opened. their faces appeared and it was just relaxed for a second until they realized who was standing in their door way.

"Y/N!!" the both screamed.

i yelled happily and they crushed me in a Dolan Twin sandwich hug. pretty sure the camera was pressed against Grayson's stomach, but hey, that's on him.

i hugged them back, well, tried to, and it was beautiful! we stayed in the same position for a while before we heard the click of a camera.

we pulled away and look at the door way. there stood Cameron with the twins camera. "now that's a keeper." she smiled.

i smiled back and went to hug her. "welcome back Cameron!"

"welcome back, y/n!" she said back.

"Cameron! give me back my girlfriend!" Ethan whined.
Cameron and i giggled and then she said she go before Ethan gets even more annoying.

she walked away and i went back to Ethan. he pulled me in and he started to kiss me. i kissed back and i smiled into the kiss.

"okay, love birds! stop making out in front of me. you got your girlfriend, but i want my best friend!" Grayson then whined.

we pulled away and i started laugh. "hey, bitch!" i yelled.

"hey, bitch!" Grayson yelled back. we hugged each other like two girls who are internet friends and they just met for the first time in person.

we pulled away. and i smiled at them both. "are we gonna go in or do you guys wanna stay outside in this perfect ass weather?" i asked.

"oh, yeah, let's go inside." Ethan grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

Gray and I both laughed as we walked in. i took off my shoes and i stopped recording. they lead me into the kitchen and that's where i saw Lisa and Sean.

they both turned around and they smiled when they saw me. "y/n! we are so glad to see you!" one by one, they each came up to me to hug me.

"same here! how have you guys been?" i say once i finish hugging Sean.

"oh we've been great. but it has been kind of noisy here since the twins and Cameron came home." Lisa joked.

i giggled and Ethan gasped and the pouted. "aww, don't pout, baby. you know i still love you." i say as i go up to him and peck his lips.

"i'm better now." Ethan exclaimed right after the peck i have him.

i smiled and then looked back the Lisa. "you guys ready to help me bake some cookies?" she asked

"yes!" i smiled.

"eh, i'd rather eat them than make them." Grayson said.

"Grayson stop being fat and help out." i say to him.

"rude!" Grayson laughed because he knew it was true. (i can use this fat joke bc i'm over weight myself, not exaggerating, i actually am i'll probs post a pic of myself soon but idk still)

Ethan laughed as well and we all went to wash our hands to be able to help bake the cookies.


it's February 2...


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