Surprise Visitor

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I was awake before the sun was up, but when I peeked out of my door no one else was. Well except for the servants. I shut my door again and went to the closet expecting a bunch of big poofy dresses to find a bunch of dresses. I looked in the dresses and that was where I found the tea-shirts and skinny genes. I quickly put them on then I hear my cell phone ring. I smile slightly as I answer.

"Hello?" I hear from the other end.

"Sorry, wrong number. Hi, Jakub, Mic, John."

"Told you that we didn't type in the wrong number." I hear Mic say to them.

"I want to go home," I say quietly. There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"We know. Just hang in tight okay we are thinking." Jakub said.

"Okay." I then hear a knock on my door. "I have to go, don't call again, I will call you when I can. Love you" Then I hang up and answered the door just as Harry was about to knock. I lean against the door frame and stare at him showing what I hope was no emotion. He scratched the back of his neck and gave me a shy smile.

"I was wondering if you would join me for breakfast." I looked at my nails trying to seem as if I was bored.

"I have plans," I reply nonchalantly. He reaches for my hand then stops and lets his arm drop to his side.

"Please." He looks up at me and then sighs after I don't reply. "Okay. I will have someone bring some breakfast up." He turns away and starts walking. I think of the fact that someone will have to bring up my food because I am being stubborn and trying to make a point.

"Wait." I bite my lip as I look at his face. I walk over to him annoyed at my whole situation. "I want to learn the way around this place I guess." He smiles. At first, I take it as smug but, I realize it is genuine and that is a shock in itself.

"So what do you want? Bacon, eggs, waffles, orange juice...." He kept talking but I tuned him out as I looked around. I can't even describe how cool the kitchen was. I looked at him and he looked a little nervous.
"I will have cornflakes." He smiles then walks into another room. He came back with two bowls, spoons, and a gallon milk jug. I just stare at him so confused and when he sees my face he starts to laugh softly. Harry has brown hair that when the light hits it in a certain way it has red stripes in it, and a bridge of freckles across his nose. His gray blue eyes light up when he laughs and smiles. Like my brothers.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask annoyed a little.

"You just look so confused."

"Well, I am." Now it was his turn to look confused.


"Don't you have someone else get your food, cups, and other stuff like that?" He looks stung.

"You know I am not helpless right. Why have someone else do what I can do perfectly well on my own?"

I think of how the law that makes girls slaves basically. Why not just sit around and have beautiful girls serve you hand and foot. He looked at his watch then stood up.

"Where are you going?" I ask. He opens his mouth then closes it thinking better of whatever he was going to say.

"I am going to the garden. I have to meet someone there." I narrow my eyes at him. "I am not meeting up with another girl if that is what you are worried about." I flinch back and open my mouth about how I could care less if he is meeting up with some girl, but I just shut my mouth and take a bite of my food. "Well, are you coming?" I look up at him when he asks this then I look back at my food.

"I am not going to starve myself to meet up with some royal highness who probably doesn't know the first thing about his subjects." I take my last couple of bites then stand up and walk over to him. "Lead the way." Is all I say then we started walking through every hall I swear it just to get to the garden and when we got there I couldn't believe what I saw. My jaw basically dropped.

"I will give you guys some privacy."

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