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"I have not bought a single person," James said and then I yawned so he looked at his watch and then up at me. "It is midnight time for you to go to bed I think." He looked at me all serious like as I scowled at him.

"But I am not sleepy, and it isn't like I am going anywhere for the next month at least," I say but the second that he said to go to bed I felt the drowsiness fall upon me like a soft blanket. "Well... Maybee... Just for a seconddd....." Then everything seemed to fall away as I barely felt my body fall away from the sitting position I was in.

"Sweety." I looked up and saw my mom. My real mom by birth. I felt myself start to break down into tears.

"Mommy?" I say feebly feeling my tears spill over. She nodded and smiled sadly at me.

"Baby, I came to warn you. Don't trust the prince or anyone in the mansion. Only trust your gut and maybe your brothers."

"But why, I understand the prince and everything but what if they aren't all bad. I just am trying. I swear it I will die trying to free everyone." That was when my mom started to cry. "Mom whats wrong?" I ask childish concern and fear came into my voice and made me cringe when I heard my own voice.

"You are weak. It is all just a show. You are not brave, or strong as you pretend to be. Just submit let the men take control. Give yourself be a good girl, live." I stood there still as she wrapped her arms around me.

"How could you say that? You want me to be an object, a toy! Something that has no mind of its own and just complies to every whim that my master has." I backed away from this woman holding me. "You are not my mother you are just a doll with her face. I might just be pretending to be brave and strong, but I will play it out till the end." As I say that my mother screeches and grows long black nails and her face narrows out and she becomes a small goblin looking thing with black crewel eyes sinking into its head.

"You will follow. Eventually, everyone does, and when you do you will face every fear, hurt, and pain that you have always hidden deep inside. Oh yes, I will get it from you. Me and the keeper." She- he never mind but the voice was so familiar. Like silk but not hiding anything in its folds. Revealing its full evil.

"I don't know who you are but I want out. I want to go home now." I say quietly but deadly. It just laughed and disappeared in a burst of white smoke. Just as I thought everything was going to be okay I felt something running down my stomach. Warm, slippery, and wet. I looked down and saw an arrow head poking through my skin. The one who shot the arrow was James. Then I heard the voice of my mother once more.

"He will shoot you in the back then walk away. He will not lose a night's sleep over you."

"I don't believe you. He is a good person he wouldn't do that." The laughter was all around me and I felt myself start to cry even though every fiber in my body was burning and crying out because I was burning up starting where the arrow is then out until I was consumed by flame. Then it was over there was nothing but blackness. I was gone, everything was gone."

"Ouch!" I sat up looking towards the left of myself where the sound of the voice came from. It was James and he was holding his jaw. "Why are you so violent in your sleep? You are either screaming and crying bloody murder or punching and kicking as if you are attacking invisible people."

"Well, all things considered, I am trapped in my room for thirty more days so maybe I was dreaming of fighting my way out," I say pulling my tank top down hastily after noticing how high it had risen on my torso. "Can we practice I need to do something or else I will get bored out of my mind," I say with a tight smile remembering that James was in my dream but not remembering what happened in it.

"Sure. Go get changed an- OUCH!" He was saying but I got tired of hearing him talk all superior like. "That is it!" He jumped up and smacked me in the face and I stumbled back but jumped out of the way narrowly avoiding a punch to the gut. I smiled knowing that his anger was driving his throws and kicks and that I was getting the full force attack that he would never do with me unless I gave him a true reason. I guess that being mad and tried also does the trick though.

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