He Had an Amazing Idea

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I was quickly picked up and carried into the mansion to the hospital wing. Don't question it every house needs a hospital wing in their house. I got a hundred twenty stitches in my arm. When I woke up almost couldn't even see the stitches because they were already fading, and when I looked over to my left I saw a very worried Harry.

"Are you okay?" I feel really self-conscious at the moment for no reason in general except for the fact that he is still being nice to me. He has been so nice to me this whole time and I have been nothing but crap. Maybe I could be a little nicer to him and still keep my walls up.

"I'm okay. What happened once I blacked out?" Now he looked really uncomfortable.

"We had to put your dad and your brother in jail for the time being until we could hear what happened from you," I was about to freak out but he looked at me pleadingly to let him finish speaking. "Your brother and dad told completely different stories about what happened. So I have been waiting for you to wake up so we can figure things out."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, you want to know what happened? Well, here it is. He told John to leave and talk to you. As soon as John was gone he pulled out a knife and threatened me saying something along the lines of if I pull what I did at the selection he wouldn't kill me but he would put me through extreme pain every day for the rest of my life." I lay back into the bed trying to avoid Harry's expression of disbelief.

"He wouldn't really do that would he?" I look over at him and see that he isn't just saying that.

"Are you really that naive, he would probably do that and worse. Don't forget he cut me as a warning. A warning that almost killed me. This always happens though, don't worry he would give you a full refund when I disappeared." I make air quotes with my fingers then lied back into the bed.

"That's... Awful."

"So what are you going to do to him?" I ask because I honestly want to know if he is going to get off for almost murder.

"Well I have some ideas but this is the one I like the best. I am going to hold a trial for him tomorrow telling him that he has been found guilty yadda yadda yadda. Then when he thinks that I am going to say the punishment you will step forward and say what you think is best for the fifteen almost sixteen years of this kind of treatment." He looked so smug with this idea and I have to admit I was loving it too.

"I like it, so tomorrow morning then?"

"Yes, tomorrow morning." He took my hand, kissed it then left the room and me alone in it.

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