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I popped in some toaster strudels then turned to Harry.

"Are you going to tell my brothers about Luka? I know that we probably should tell them but they have been so worried and stressed because of everything that has been happening and I just want to give them a break." Harry stirred his soup as he thought about what I had just said.

"I think that would classify as breaking your promise to all of us." Was his stupid reply. I grone.

"You are so annoying!" I say exasperated. POP! "Ekkk!" I jump away from the toaster. Of course, this sends Harry into a laughing fit.

"You literally just jumped ten feet into the air."

"Oh shut up," I say with a smile, I seem to be smiling a lot anymore.

"Okay, here it is. The deal," Harry spoke in a mock serious tone that made me grin against my will. "I will give you three days to tell your brothers about last night if it happens again even once I am going to tell your brothers."

"That's hardly a deal. Either way, they are going to find out."

"Yah but one way they are only slightly mad another they get madder at me for not telling them sooner and the option that you seem to like the best is they find out on their own when something goes wrong and they kill us both for not saying anything at all."

"That last one sounds like the best option." Harry makes a face at me. "Oh don't look at me like that. I can take care of myself they don't need to know."

"Ok so I am going to be frank," Harry and I both jump at the sound of Mic's voice. "I have been listening since you said here's the deal. I don't want to know what happened last night, not really no. You don't seem to be hurt so it doesn't seem to be any of my business what you do..." I am not sure whose face was flushed the most by the end of Mic's speech mine, Harry's, or Mic's.

"That is not what happened," Harry said recovering faster than me. "Luka visited Melan last night."

"What are you doing up so early?" I demand a bit past annoyed with my brother.

"You two woke me up when you passed my bedroom to come here, and just so you know now John and Jakub think that you guys were...Yah." I grone and start smacking my head against the wall.

"You gotta be kidding me. That is so... You know what... I HATE YOU GUYS! I need ice cream!" I stomp into the kitchen and search the freezer for cookies and cream as Harry and Mic talk quietly in the dining room. I walk back into the room with a big tub of ice cream and a spoon.

"You can't eat that for breakfast," Mic said scrunching up his face.

"Watch me," I mumble as I shove a spoonful in my mouth. "I am so done with all of this bull crap so you know what I am allowed to be upset, I am allowed to eat whatever I and I am allowed to beat the crap out of you guys during practice, speaking of which we haven't done in what feels like forever."

"Okay let's do that now." I put the spoon down and just looked at Mic.

"Are you being for real?" I say slowly getting out of my funk.

"Yah, and we can do it whatever way that you want. One on one, technique practice, guns whatever you want."

"Okay let's go! Harry could you come to, I need someone to watch me beat Mic's butt." Harry nods a bit and got up to walk with us. I frown slightly at his funk. I reach out to hold his hand and realize how it has just become an instinct to do the little things like that. Harry looks at our hands and gives me a slight smile. We walk all the way to the guard training room like that hand in hand and didn't let go no matter who looked at us.

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