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As soon as I got back to my room I hopped into my tub and rinsed all of the grossness off of myself. "Ahhhhhh, me time." I say sliding into the warm water oh this is what I have needed for so long.

"KNOCK! KNOCK! MALEAN GET YOUR BUTTOCKS OUT OF THAT TUB WE ARE IN YOUR ROOM AND GOING THROUGH YOUR THINGS FOR EVIDENCE!!!!" Mic yelled through the door. I lost it and let out a scream that would shatter anyone's earbuds jumped out of my much needed relaxing bath wrapped a towel around me and marched into my main room.

"What the frick are you doing in my underwear drawer!" I scream at them so annoyed at this point that I don't care that they are looking at me as if I were an alien. Mic and Jakub backed away from my drawer rather fast and John who was sitting at the edge of my bed chuckled and shook his head at them.

"Told you that you wouldn't get away with anything." John said amused at how red their faces were turning.

"Put my undies back in the drawer now." I say with extra calm, "What were you doing with them?" The forced calm still in my voice.

"Checking for evidence, something incriminating." I just stare at them for a second not comprehending what Jakub had just said then suddenly all at once it hit me like a wave in the face.

"You were checking my underwear drawer to try and find out if I had sex!?! Get your fricken butts out of my room now. Ever invade my privacy again I will kill you." I almost scream it but what would that do but make me lose my voice.

"Waite invade privacy means that there is something you aren't telling us because-"

"GET OUT JAKUB!" They all walk out and John just smiles and shakes his head. Once they are gone I lock the door and walk back to the restroom. Once that door was shut I dropped the towel to the ground and slid back into the tub. I leaned my head on the edge and closed my eyes. The water was not as warm as I would like but I wasn't going to complain. I just need to rest.

So what am I going to do with Harry tomorrow. I remember why my brothers were here and I felt so angry. Do they think I am untrustworthy, and have no self respect? No... I forgot, people are used as toys. Not people but girls, I have it good up here and forgot about the others for a bit. I also forgot about James. I get out slowly and change into clothes then head for my bed. I just need to sleep.MALEAN

On my bed there is a small sheet of paper that John must have left. I pick it up and read it over. This is what it said, "June 18 James Carnet will be wiped fifty times for rapeing the fucture queen of this lovely kingdom Malean Luvln. He was the prince's most trusted guard and was charged with watching Lady Malean when he was out on business. On the third or fourth day a guard opened the door to find the future queen in an attire that it is known that she hates to wear lieing in her bed with her. June 18 starting at 6am the location is right outside the prince's mansion."

I had been to a few of these whippings when I was younger with Mr.Caeph, I knew how they worked and I always ended up crying in the end. The blood was w thrown everywhere along with the torn skin, but it was never someone that I had known. I felt like I was melting the 18 was two days away. I slipped into bed and then just fell into a nightmarish sleep. Tomorrow was my day and the next was going to be full of pain.

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