Bed Room Storm

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"Wait. Wait. Wait, you want us to believe that you still believe that magic is real. That you think that you used magic or some type of force of mental will to see through James' eyes. Your crazy, delusional, insane!" I ignored Harry's rattling of words and listened to my brother's silence, what did they think?

"I guess anything is possible..." Mic finally spoke up but the uncertainty in his voice was obvious.

"Don't even joke Mic she truly has gone off the deep end and after everything that has been happening is that too hard to believe? Her minds fried!"

"Jakub, Mic no more fighting, just shut the heck up and let me think." Oh, John. John, please believe me, please... I shouldn't have said anything.

"How does Luka get into your head?" Oh, thank you, John.

"Through a cut. Usually, he would have some type of knife coated with a thin layer of liquid or powder, then after that everything would go to Hell inside my head. It would feel like he would flip through my memories. Then they would change and my memories would be manipulated in ways that... that..." That was where I shut down. It was more then I had ever said about Luka ever being in my head. "He made me do things, none of it was real just inside my head but it was so vivid. How would he possibly be able to enter my mind and control it in such a way? Magic has to be real, there is no other explanation."

No one spoke but the tension in the room was enough to make me try to see again. I reached my hand out until someone took it and pulled me into them. I let myself feel silly and I let my instincts guide my movements. Hopefully, it was my instincts not just insanity. A quick flash of color filled my mind.

"There is a green vase on the window over to the left, a door behind us and we are in John's bedroom. Everyone is standing except Harry who is in the red velvet chair next to John's bed." I say quickly so I don't forget. There is an intake of breath then everyone is quiet. A wave of nausea hit me and suddenly I was so so sleepy. I almost fall to the floor but someone caught me.

"Ta-da," I mumble as they lay me down in my brother's bed. In between this time I drift in and out of consciousness.

"That is impossible."...

"What if they are still alive?"...

"Do you really know what her mother was?"...

After that, I heard some words like queen, idiot, never, magic, and freaking idiot. What is going on? Queen, are they going to tell the queen? The other option could be that they think I am related to some queen of myth or am a queen of myth but that is just crazy talk.... Well, so was the possibility of magic a few days ago. Who knows what this world contains anymore.

Sleep might be what I truly need right now. My body just feels so weak. So is this an effect of using magic? Fatigue, what would happen if I tried to do something other than just looking through others eyes? Could I heal my eyes? I closed my eyes as tight as I could and just focused on the colors that I miss so much and how much I wish that I could see.

"What the living crap is going on!" Jakub screams and I try to open my eyes but I just can't it is like they were glued shut. My body starts to shake and I let lose a shriek of fear as I completely lose control of my actions. My eyes open and I see that I am suspended above the bed blues, greens, and brown swirl around me. The colors I missed the most, but all that I can see are those colors circling me and nothing beyond them. Suddenly the colors changed into an outdoor scenery and I saw thick trees all around me. A smiling angelic face straight in front of me.

"You are waking up Fawn. We will come for you soon, be ready to escape." It was a girl about my age with flowing golden hair, and eyes as blue as the sky, but she obviously meant business. She took a few steps closer to me and I tried to move away but couldn't. She kissed a flower that she was holding then lightly rubbed it against my eyes. Then everything went black.

"Melan, wake up, wake up! You are so stupid, wake up!" I hear Mic mumbling as I slowly come to. He was doing compressions to me and I swear it my ribs were about to break.

"Mic stop." I try to gasp out and try to swat at his arm but it ended up being more of a twitch. I looked at everyone, and it would be an understatement to say that they looked scared to death almost. Harry was ghost white in the corner looking like he had not eaten for days. "What happened to you guys. You look as if you just saw a ghost." I say trying to lighten the mood.

"Melan are you okay?" It was Mic who spoke first but the question was in everyone's eyes. "Wait, you just said that we look like we just saw a ghost. Can you see us, all of us through your eyes?"

I looked at them all for once not caring or even noticing the tears running down my face until Mic wiped them away. "Yes, I can see you all." My thoughts wander back to the girl and the flower. I will not use magic until I understand it a lot more.

"Will you promise me one thing?" Mic asks holding my hands tightly. I nod my head slightly. "Harry already attempted to get this from you and you found a lope hole so hold on a minute as I think of how to word this so that it is so airtight that not even you can find a way out of it." He thought for a minute and I giggled at the faces that he made just as I would have when I was young. "I want you to promise all of us. Every person in this room that you will never put yourself in danger on purpose again no matter what the reason. Not for us not for anyone." I look at him then at everyone else in the room. They all want this, and I have caused so much grief because I wanted to play hero. First I wanted to save all of the girls but I ended up just getting a really nice guy in so much trouble. Then I tried to be a hero again and take the punishment for my friends but almost die, cause the prince and my brothers' so much stress and become blind. Now here I was trying to be my own hero and mess with things that I don't understand could have killed everyone in this room along with myself. But how could I ever promise not to step in if they need me?

"If I needed you guys would you just sit back to save your own skin?" I ask needing them to understand.

"No," John answers for my brothers I look towards Harry who shakes his head no in agreement with John but the stubbornness in his eyes makes me wonder how far would he really go to protect me and why. "Melan don't turn this on us. I know that it is unfair of us to ask you to do something that we ourselves would not do, but I absolutely forbid you to put yourself in harm's way for anyone. If you do ever again once you are healed we will have to have a talk and you will be locked in your room for however long I think is needed."

I glared at John, this is sooooo not cool. I know he is doing this because he loves me but I am legally technically an adult by law. I look at everyone in the room and see the iron in all of their eyes knowing that I will never win this.

"Fine, but I want you to know that I don't agree with this at all."

"Don't worry May may think of it this way. If you are put under lock and key we will guard you." I glare at Mic for this stupid comment but oh no he wasn't done. "That way we can make sure none of the prince's guards become to cosey with you anymore." I give a little high pitched squeal of annoyance but everyone in the room is laughing at least a bit. Even Harry was chuckling at this.

"Harry do you want to guard me tonight?" I ask trying to hide the smirk that was on my face as everyone stopped laughing. My brothers glared at me and Harry looked nervous at my brothers. I couldn't help it when the giggles came out than the full-blown laughter when Mic decided to play along instead of being serious. He started wiggling his eyebrows at me and I couldn't stop the fit of laughter that hit me. Then anytime Mic or I would almost stop laughing we would look at each other and it was all over we had everyone laughing at us by this point.

"Oh, oh ouch," I say sighing at the laughing cramps. "I haven't had this much fun in a long time."

"I think we all needed this," John said with a smile still lingering on his lips. Jakub gave me a hug and I hugged him back until...

"Don't you dare." I squeal big smile on my face and my eyes huge. Then he threw me on the bed and started to tickle me. "Shoot!" I was squealing and laughing and swatting at Jakub's head. "Jakub Birn Caeph I SWEAR IT STOP!" I rolled off the edge of John's bed breathing hard and glaring at Jakub and the other guys in the room all of whom were chuckling at me.

"I am going to bed," I say but as I opened the door and before I left the room I stuck my head back in. "Well your royal majesty, aren't you coming?"

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