The Bet

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I know how flushed my face had to be and that there was a stupid smile fighting for a place on my face and didn't completely hate it when that rare pure smile lit up my face. It turned into a grimace just as fast though and I turned myself away from Harry ever so slightly, but that was enough for him to understand that my mind was working straight again.

"What is wrong? Please let me in, let me help." I don't know when this happened, how did I fall for the prince? Why? Politicians are the best actors, is any of this even real?

"How can I ever be sure that you love me? That it isn't all just an act?" I looked at him feeling just as lost as I did before. I watched as he struggled to find a right answer to my question. My heart sank with every second he couldn't think of something to say. I was finally about to give up and ask him to leave me alone when he did finally say something.

"I guess that there is absolutely nothing I can say or do to prove it to you. Not now, relationships are built on friendships over time where you learn to know the other one so well that you practically know what the other person is thinking. Or amazingly strong friendships built together upon years and years. So I guess what I am saying is let me get to know you. Let me in, please. We could learn so much from each other because of how different our backgrounds are. Just give me a chance. I am begging you, please. All I need is a chance."

Those words were exactly what I needed to hear. There was no bribe he was offering me, or saying anything about learning to love each other but the words that actually mean something to me. Time, prove, please, give me a chance. We all want a chance, need a chance to prove ourselves.

"I would like that a lot." I take a step closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck and we just stay like that for a minute then Harry starts to smile. "What?" I asked not able to help a smile as well.

"I was just wondering," He said as his smile broke out into a grin. "How do I know if you love me?" I laughed kissed his nose quickly then started to pull away again but he caught me and pulled me back. "You know that I am also well trained in combat as well. Would you like to make a bet?" Now, this was amusing. A bet, against me, about combat one of my greatest passions.

"Let us hear this bet," I say without a second thought. This is going to be fun I think to myself with a smirk.

"Okay, here it is. You against me in hand to hand combat first one to tap out loses and no rules except the fact that under no circumstances are you or me aloud to touch a weapon, including any object in the room that could be used as a weapon."

I sigh playfully. "Yes, I understand the rules of hand to hand combat, now what is your wager?"

"If you win we spend a day doing anything that your heart desires. I will do anything you say, anything that you want no matter what."

"I like the sound of that a lot. What do you get if you win?" Now he smirked at me and I could feel my own slipping off of my face. He was absolutely positive that he was going to win.

"I get the same exact thing only you are the one who will do anything that I say and anything I want for one day." I look at him shocked, but not really. Actually what he is doing here is quite clever. If I agree and lose no one can say what happens the next day was against my will because I agreed to it. If I agreed to this he could do unspeakable things to me and I wouldn't go against them because my word is by the law I live, if I say something to be true then it is.

"Do you agree to the terms?" He said with one of the funniest expressions on his face that I had ever seen.

Do I agree?

"Yes, I do."

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