To die or Not to die

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"Hi." It was John. I felt tears at the corners of my eyes as I tried to hold them in because I really didn't want to give Harry anything to use against me, but that failed once I was in John's warm hug. His arms were a cocoon that protected me from the world.

"Are you going to take me home now. Did I already get to him." I whisper into his chest.

"No. I was invited here with someone." I back away from him just enough that I would be able to see my other brothers, and jumped back away from everyone when I saw who was with John. It was my dad.

"John go find the prince okay and talk to him about your question I have some things I would like to talk to your sister about." John is hesitant to leave but he does. Then my dad pulls out a knife.

"What are you doing with that?" I ask fear in my voice. John is gone. I am alone with him and I am at a major disadvantage. He walks towards me and that is when I sprint for the door that John just walked out of. My dad stops me a couple of feet away before I make it to the door. The knife is pressed to my throat and I can feel the blood flowing out of a brand new cut my father has just given me.

"If you do anything that makes me look bad in any way I swear it I will not kill you. I will ruin the rest of your life." I look defiantly into his eyes.

"That's really creative. Now all you have to do is get me to cooperate." He ran his knife along my upper arm in a diagonal line. I bit my tongue to keep from screaming.

"Remember this." He whispered in my ear and moved away seconds before Harry and John walked in.

When John saw me he ran to my side. Or maybe he saw the blood pooling around me. He checked my pulse and I could see that he was freaking out.

"John." I found that I couldn't raise my voice above a whisper.

"Shut up, you need to have your strength." He looked back at Harry to see that he had already gotten his doctors.

"It was Mr.Caeph," I say as I close my eyes. Then I feel a slap to my face. "OUCH!" John looked halfway guilty.

"Don't close your eyes." A doctor was tying a piece of fabric tightly around my arm as John marched towards Mr.Caeph. Not my dad.

"What happened?"

"Mr.Caeph..." I was losing energy and blood fast.

"She is losing blood fast!"  

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