Practice Dummy

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I layed back and looked at the ceiling. So many emotions and thoughts going through my mind.

"Why would I try to make Lance kill me?" I say looking James in the eyes not wanting to seem afraid or weak after he had just seen me screaming and crying in my sleep. He sat on the edge of my bed and looked right back into my brown eyes.

"Please don't treat me like I am stupid. I know you are good. No better than good when it comes to words and mind games. You study everything about a person even when you don't mean to. I can tell that you notice every flinch, every minor movement that anyone makes. Honestly I think it is pretty amazing that you do. I have never met another girl like you." He said still looking intently into my eyes.

I raised my eyebrows at him. Really is he serious, what game are you playing James. "Flattering, I am a human flinch detector. Exactly what every girl wants to hear." He laughed and it surprised me honestly.

"Okay, funny, will you please answer my question. You are the queen of changing the topic."

"No, not really I more so go off on tangents that originally had a small part of the conversation bef-"

"Answer me. Please." I sighed and flopped back into the bed instead of sitting up anymore because I might as well get comfy if I am not leaving for a while.

"Is there any chance that you would let me change the topic again?" I asked for two reasons. One because I was stalling for time, two because I wasn't sure if I was going to tell him.

"Thats funny. I am just as stubborn as you. Plus we have the next month together because Prince Harry has gone to the next kingdom over on business and made me your personal guard." That threw me off my game for a moment and I know he saw the slight change in my expression.

"And he didn't say goodbye?"


"Fine! I don't want to be here! No one treats me with respect. All I want at the moment to make this transition from my old dwelling place to this one even just slightly easier is to be treated like an equal. Not like any girl is ever treated like an equal." I felt his stare on me and I did nothing but look at the ceiling. I tried very hard to tell him the truth and not give him anything to personal that could be used against me. Like how I miss my brothers, and how I am not truly sure that Caline was ever my friend after this friendship that I am in the middle of with Trice.

"I see." He said and this made me sit up and glare at him.

"Do you really?" I say doubt covering my words.

"Yes I do. You do realize that I am only seventeen and I am in charge of the whole guard. Do you think it was easy to get the respect of so many men all about twenty years older. You have to earn it gain trust of those around you."

"I can do that." I say with more confidence than I have.

"You know trust goes two ways right you have to trust others for them to trust you." I grone annoyed at him because I know he is right.

"Fine but it will take time and practice." Is what I say in response.

"That's okay you can practice on me." He says with a big smile and two thumbs pointing at his chest. I roll my eyes at him as I feel a smile spread across my face.

"Are you offering to be my practice dummy?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows at him. He laughs so hard he fell of the bed. As I get up to help him off the ground he looks up at me with a crooked grin.

"Yah, I guess I am."

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