Berry Blue Situation

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There was a well-dressed man holding a Glock 19 pistol aimed at Prince Harry's head. I had a second to think of what I was going to do. What happened is a blur. I ran, the gun shot, I pushed the prince to the ground. I turned to the shooter. He looked at me stunned. Okay, this gun has at least fourteen rounds left. I am going to take advantage of his stunned state and do exactly what I practiced with my brothers.

Focus on the gun. I grabbed the guy's wrist and twisted it as hard as I could. I heard his scream but it as if another person had taken over. A person that my older brothers had trained me to be in times like this. No cheap shots. I smirk at my stupid pun. How punny of me. I grab his hair and drive my knee into his head. That is enough to knock him out. I grab the gun from the ground and look at the..... Blueberries? I look over at the prince and everyone in the room.

"Well, what is this?" I say not about to be embarrassed about what just happened. I would have just saved his flippin princely butt if that was real. I glared at him expecting an amazing reason for the blueberry gun.

"Well," he cleared his throat. "That is James. He is the royal security guard. He is in charge of everyone's protection here and he sometimes upon occasion will take the fruit gun and shoot at me or someone else here to test the security and see where improvements can be made in the system. It is a type of game sort of. If someone gets hit they can't say anything and they go into James room until he gets me or someone stops him."

"So what I just did, would be disqualified?" I'm kinda kidding but I honestly want to know at the same time. He just smiled at me.

"I think you just made this the most exciting game for him yet. He finally has actual competition."

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