My visit with James

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 I went to visit James in the hospital wing hoping that I didn't beat him up to badly. As I walk in he sits up looking at me already analyzing everything about me. My movements, clothing, any place that I could be holding a weapon, my nails, and anything that I left open for him to analyze. I was wearing a tight top that showed of my arm muscles, and some skinny genes.

"So you're the chick that beat me up?" He looked at me critically and I stared at him with the same icy glare. Keeping my back straight not willing to look small and insignificant.

"So you're the dude that I creamed. Huh does it hurt to be beat by a girl when you are head of security? Oh wait was no one supposed to know that? Sorry." I look down at him and click my tongue. "Your dad must be so proud." It was at that moment that he burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay just stop. I get it you are great at this. You pass the test. How would you like to join the guard?" I look at him completely stunned under the surface but my expression doesn't change.

"A girl in the guard. A princess too, even worse. How did you become the head of the guard because you obviously don't know how things work in this world. Plus I know what happens to women when it is concerned with the guard." He seemed confused by the first part but his manner only changed slightly so I am not completely positive.

"If you wanted to at least be taught more moves I could do that. Also how would you know more about what happens on my guard then me?" I bite my lip not wanting to let anyone know that Trice let me in on what was going on. Then I realized that he was one of them and I tensed my muscles like I usually do when I feel threatened.

"You guys are rapist. How can you even live with yourselves." I back towards the door never taking my eyes of him.

"I didn't know. Thank you." I glare at him as his gaze stops me. "I promise that nothing is going to happen to you or the other woman in this mansion ever again." I look into his eyes and can tell that he is telling the truth or at least thinks he is.

"I don't trust men. Just keep to your word and I might not kill you next time you try to take down the prince in that little game you play." I don't turn my back to him because he is a hunter and I know how the hunter thinks, but just as I know how the hunter thinks I also know how the hunted feel. I don't want to be the hunted anymore.

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