My day

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You know, waking up and feeling like something is so terribly wrong but not remembering what is the most aggravating thing in the world. It is like holding a box of chocolates and being able to smell them but not taste or know what they are. I am going back to sleep and doing nothing for the rest of the day.

"Knock, Knock. I am here let's get this day started." Harry said outside my door before the sun had even come up. I groan, pulling my blanket over my head and turning my body away from the door. I hear when he comes in but who cares I am in the middle of trying to get back to sleep. All of a sudden it is bright out, I am freezing and being pulled out of bed by my ankle. When I fall out of bed I hit my head on the bed frame and look up to see. One... Two... Three.... Four guys in my room, my brothers, and Harry.

"Smooth," I say grumpily rubbing my head. Harry is the only one who looks even slightly apologetic about breaking and entering into my room then waking me up then trying to get me to fall asleep again by knocking me out.

"Get up lazy butt it is time for you to decide what you and your royal highness are doing today," Mic said while pinching my cheek. I swatted at his face but he jumped out of the way with a laugh.

"Don't mess with me right now Mic, you will live to regret it dearly," I mumble my eyes shutting again. Then he pulled my hair. I got up and jumped at him clumsily. He moved out of my way snickering and I tripped over my feet falling to the floor. Mic laughed but I just closed my eyes again.

Mic lifted me over his shoulder and then nodded to Jakub. "Good grief Malean, I know that you like sleep, this is your day."

"Just stab me in the stomach, that is what I want," I mumbled still limp over Mic's shoulder.

"Not an option," John said turning to Harry.

"Wasn't planning on it, sir." I had to laugh at that.

"Sir? Really?" I swing forward all of a sudden and punch Mic in the throat but because I am so sleepy it just shocked him and he dropped me. "Stop doing that!" I stand up but fall back over because my legs are shaking so much. They all rush forward except John because he knows how much this irritates me. They all stopped mid-step when they saw my icy glare. I tried to get up again and did but I had to lean heavily against the wall.

"Are you okay?" This time it was Harry's voice. I grit my teeth to keep from screaming.

"I am fine." I push off the wall and stood there for a second focusing all my energy on staying on my feet. Then I walk into my bathroom stand under the shower completely clothed in my night attire and then turn on the cold water. I suck in air and water as the chill seeps through my clothes and into my skin but I feel better, steadier and I know what made me feel like that. The whipping tomorrow. My body was grieving the pain a day earlier than it has to. It wasn't even truly his fault. Warm water was mixing with the cold on my face so I knew I was crying. I did this to him. Well wasn't that my goal before I left my old home? Kill and give back to the men what they have done to us, these men have been nothing but kind to me. I need to talk to a girl, I wonder where Trice has been? I will have to connect with her later. Tell her the horrible things that I have done, find James apologize.

When I walked out of the shower into the main room dripping whatever conversation that had been going on in my room stopped. "Well, I am ready let's go. Brothers can't come, this is pretty much a date." I say casually and controlled as I watch everyone in the room's jaw drop and eyes bug out of their heads. Well everyone but James, though he did seem mildly surprised.

"Did she just say the d-word?" Mic asked as I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him out of the room.

"So," Harry says clearing his throat looking kind of nervous but excited at the same time. "What's the game plan?" I knew exactly how I wanted to start end and maybe do for the whole day and I am almost positive that Harry will not complain but I guess, that this course of action would not be the best.

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