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The next morning I woke to a soft knock on my door.

"Come in." It felt weird to be the one giving permission to let someone into my room. I liked it. I actually had power over my personal space now and it felt amazing. Prince Harry poked his head into my room.

"Good morning, are you ready?" I smiled at him and when I tried to get up he ran over and gently but firmly pushed me back into the bed. Just as I opened my mouth to argue this he cut me off. "you are staying in bed for a couple more days doctors orders."

"The prince taking orders from a doctor?" We both laughed a little. He walked behind the bed and pushed it forward and it moved pretty smoothly. "Do all of the beds have wheels?"

"No just the ones in the hospital wing." I had to angle my head in a funny position to see his face. I noticed something that was usually only common for the males of the kingdom that were way down in the lower class. The workers, and builders, and sailors. The prince had muscles. I guess I didn't notice it at first because my brothers are all strong and upper class as well, but my brothers work to help Mr. Caeph's slaves. That's what made them strong mentally and physically. What made Prince want to be stronger? The prince caught my stare and smiled and looked as if he was suppressing waves of laughter. It was probably because of how fast I turned my head the other way or how red my face was turning.

We were in the courtroom within a couple of minutes. Once he positioned me in the front of the room he asked for one of the guards to bring in my brother and Mr.Caeph. My brother looked at me shock on his face first then a big smile spread on his face. The shock was on my dad's face as well but anger and hate were written in between the wrinkles on his face. I soon realized the where the prince had placed me in the room. I had a seat of power, and everyone in the room knew it. Especially Mr. Caeph.

"Welcome to the hearing and I have to say that I have looked over all of the information and I have come to a decision. Mr.Caeph," He looked up with a smug smile on his face probably thinking he is going to get off free and safe. "I have found you guilty." Mr. Caeph looked so shocked and he started to speak but the prince held up his hand to cut him off. "My decision is final Mr.Caeph now the punishments for crimes. I say crimes because I have heard that there most likely were more than one. I will find them out one by one be sure and you will be inflicted a new pain for each one you have caused." He had started out so cool with the whole thing but by the last word that he spoke he was a ball of red hot fire burning behind his princely face and filter. "Malean would you please take it from here." He walked behind me but far enough away from me that it was my authority that was showing not his showing through me.

"When you die I hope you burn in the darkest pits of Hell. You have put me and every other girl in your service through Hell. You will be stripped of your title and everything you own now belongs to your oldest son. You will start at the bottom of the food chain. You are not to have contact with anyone you once knew through your business and trade. If you are caught even talking to a girl with so much as a raised voice. You will be punished with the punishment, and fifty lashes." I saw the prince wince behind me but I was more focused on in front of me where my "father" had turned ghostly white.

"Your highness you can't let her do this!" Mr.Caeph screamed as the guards took him away.

"It is already done." Was the only reply that the prince gave to his screams.

I closed my eyes and laid back against the pillows of the bed. I felt tears in my closed eyes trying to escape. I tried my hardest to keep them in but one slipped past my closed eyelids. I moved my hand to wipe it away but someone else's hand got there first. It was my brother.

"I am proud of you May May and I think you should let someone else past those walls you build up. The prince seems to be a good choice.  I just don't want you to be lonely again. " He kissed my head then walked to the door opened it and left my life again.

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