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"I want you to stand guard in her room. Do not let her out or else it will be your head." I hear but I can't tell who it is or move at all.

"Yes, your majesty." Said another voice. So it is Harry and someone else. I felt someone pick me up to my surprise.

"Drop her and I will kill you," Harry said with a deadly calm it scared me. Was this really the prince that I know? Of course, he is. Another voice in my head said. He enslaves so many girls and kills more and you kissed this monster. Then I fell back into darkness again.

I was surrounded by thousands of people. Girls young and old tied to wooden stakes in the ground. I ran to them and tried to untie them but the ropes that bound them wouldn't budge. There were voices then low and gruff. A male's voice. They carried fire and were lighting the wood and clothes of the girls laughing as they did it. I saw the prince, my old master, James, and my brothers... They saw me trying to untie the girls and then started to chase me. They yelled at me, threw rocks, called me names, and caught up to me quickly. They cut me with blades and tied me to a wooden post like the other girls. I screamed and kicked punched and scratched until I couldn't move. They let the post on fire and I felt tears stream down my face, I felt the scream pass through my mouth.

"Malean! God Malean please wake up." I opened my eyes and saw startled green eyes. I flinched away from James touch feeling the shadow of my nightmare still clinging to my skin like a blanket. "Are you okay?" I know I was crying because of a major headache that I now had. "Well, I guess I know that something is not right because you baited one of the guards to kill you. So I guess the better question is what is wrong and you better have a good explanation because I lied to King Harry for you so he wouldn't have you go through years of therapy than have at least two guards with you at all times."

I sat up and glared at him. "First he is still a prince, not king. Second, you lied to him? Third I do not truly think that the guards would follow me everywhere. They can't follow me into the restroom." I smirked knowing that I was going to regret this later but right now I am living in the moment of I flippin hate life.

"I saved your life please stop giving me a hard time, and if the prince ordered it yes they would follow you into the restroom. Now ba-"

"Even when I am using the toilet or taking a shower? That is messed up as it can get."

"87 percent." This catches me off guard.

"What?" I say completely confused and curious.

"87 percent of girls try to take their lives each year and 39 of them secede. I want the numbers to go down. Why did you try to make Lance kill you?"

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