Bigger Cage

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It's not the fact that I didn't believe that Mr.Caeph didn't deserve what had happened to him. It was the fact that I was the one who did it to him. I ruined his life. Two wrongs don't make a right. Was I wrong to do this to someone even him?

"Malean are you okay?" It had been hours after my brother had left me again. His words swirled around my head. I had lowered my walls a little bit. At least I think I did, but completely let someone else behind them? I had only let one person behind them completely and that was John. Nothing against my other brothers but they didn't understand.

"What... Oh, yah I am fine." I was grateful to the prince that he didn't push the subject or the fact that I had cried earlier. I know he saw the tears, and I know that he is a good person, but so were my brothers. All of them and I just couldn't lower my walls for them, not the whole way.

"Malean," His voice was hypnotizing at the moment for some reason and I turned my head towards him. "I didn't mean for any of what happened the past couple of days to happen, I was just trying to make the transition easier by inviting some of your family members here and..."

"SHUT UP!" I felt my tears again but I was stronger than them. "Just please shut up." I closed my eyes for a few seconds and breathed in. "None of this is your fault. It is the law's fault and if I remember correctly you can't make any laws until your coronation and you are crowned king." Technically his mom the queen was in charge until he turned eighteen because as the whole kingdom has known. The King died of lung cancer three years ago. She couldn't change any laws because she was a woman and our world as we knew it would fall apart if she tried.

"I will not let anyone hurt you Malean." My back burned when he said those words. Scars, so many scars. I got out of the bed because I felt fine at this point and when he stood up to oppose my decision I walked right over to him and wrapped my arms around him and laid my head against his chest. I was tall but he was taller. He didn't seem to know what to do at first but slowly he wrapped his arms around me. I wish I could deny it but I needed that hug and I didn't want to move, and we didn't move for several minutes. Just rocked back and forth slowly. It felt good.

I don't know when but at some point we had both detangled our arms and sat at the edge of the bed and just started talking. What were we talking about? Everything and everything! I loved it. I was trying to keep my wall high but it was as if the prince was taking down one block after another very fast. The more we talked the more personal the conversation got. The more personal the conversation got the jumper I got.

"So is this as bad as you thought it would be?" The prince asks looking over at me.

"What?" I didn't truly understand what he meant until I spoke.

"Living here, and everything." I sigh and lean forward putting my head onto my hands.

"Honestly I haven't been here long enough to be able to say. I have been here for what? Four, five days and I wasn't truly awake for one of them. At the moment I would say that everything is good and stuff, but I will not truly know for a while. Ask my again in a year." I look over at him and notice that he is pulling something out of a bag he was carrying with him. "What's that?" I ask as he takes out a square object painted in blue.

"I didn't know what to get you for your birthday so I guessed and, um, well I hope you like it." I had to smile at that because I never knew that the prince could be at such a loss for words. Carefully I unwrapped the small package.

"Oh my gosh." I opened the box to find the cutest little golden retriever and Rottweiler puppies jumping on each other. " OH MY GOSH! THEY ARE SO FLIPPIN CUTE!!!!!!" The puppies jumped out of the box and started running around my room. I giggled they were so precious.

"I didn't think you had a girly bone in you." I turned to him with a big smile on my face.

"I used to take care of the dogs at my old home. I raised them since they were puppies so I became their handler even though Mr. Caeph didn't like it very much but my brothers persuaded him." I picked up the Rottweiler. "I will call you Bandit." I set him down and picked up the golden retriever. "I think you look like a Rosie." I laughed as Rosie licked my hand.

"I am glad you like them."

"Thank you, Prince Harry." He frowned as soon as the words left my lips.

"Just Harry. We are friends we don't need to use those formalities." I tilted my head considering what he just said. He treated me as my brothers did, but it felt different so I guess that this is what is like to be friends with a guy.

"Okay Just Harry, I need some sleep. So I will see you in the morning." He smiled and walked to the door and right as he was about to close the door he stopped.

"Good night Malean." Then the door shut. All I could do was smile. Smile because he was so cute. Smile because I had a friend. Smile because I actually wasn't being treated like a toy, but I also had to frown because this world that I am living in is still a prison to me and I am still locked up. The only difference now is that I am a bird with a bigger cage and a nicer owner. I am still not free.

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