I Promise

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Mic brought me to Harry's bedroom door with a smile. "Do what you think is right. I trust you."

Sighing I look at him shaking my head. "That was your first mistake I guess."

"Whatever May may. I love you okay. I got to go but I will see you after the event." He gave me a huge hug then left me to face Harry's door alone.

I knock on the door. "Come in." I hear Harry's muffled voice from inside the room. Biting my lip I walk in. He was sitting on his bed in a nice sea green suit that made him look serious but it also made him look strict and firm. I walk over to sit next to him and he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"After today... I don't know, your brothers freak me out sometimes, and I don't even know where to begin with you." He moved both his hands behind his head and leaned back into his bed.

"I know, there's a lot wrong with me and my life, but also with our world. You are going to make a great king some day you know." He stared at me for a second then looked back up at the ceiling.

"You never stop surprising me. In the beginning I thought you were going to be the biggest mistake I ever made in my life. Then you started showing your colors and taking down your wall bit by bit. Now I can almost see to the other side but still just can't. Why is it so hard for you to trust me?"

He is looking back at me now but it is my turn to look at the ceiling. "I just don't know. You heard about Luka, you saw how people treat my gender in the town, you met my dad. I have just had the experiences in my life that have taught me a very hard life lesson. Do not trust the new. It is just who I am, and I don't think that anyone can change it. After you showed me the punishment and the punisher I rebuilt everything and reinforced my walls. I trust you and I want to tell you everything and I will someday but it will take awhile for me to be able to reset my way of thinking."

I looked at my hands not wanting to see his face. I wasn't planning to say that much but it had all just came pouring out and I couldn't stop it.

"You need to stop letting your chin fall. When you got here you demanded respect and authority but you have been looking like a kicked puppy. I believe in you, someday you will make an amazing queen. Right now I want you to do something."

All I could do was look at him and his beautiful eyes.

"I want you to promise me that you will not do anything to stop the whipping. I can't stop it because it would make it look okay for someone to touch you. You can't do anything because it will look as if you were a willing victim of this and that would not be good for you. Your brothers can't do anything because it will look bad for them. Please don't do anything. You don't even have to be there if you don't want to."

"I promise that I will not intervene with James whipping." Looking directly into Harry's eyes I say these words that in truth I am not sure I can live up to.

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