Die with Eyes Open

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"Hey Malean, would you please help me tell these idiots what they are doing wrong?" I smiled as James pushed one of the guards over. No, he wasn't doing it to be a complete jerk. He was also doing it to show the guard that his stance was an unbalanced one and that against an actual enemy he would be dead by now.

As I help him correct the guards my mind wonders to a completely different world. I kissed the prince, I liked it, I now hate him, and now to top it off I just completely lost my first kiss to a complete and total jerk. Not like most girls get to pick who they give their first kiss to. My mind wanders to Trice and her family position and I flinch inwardly ashamed in myself slightly. How would it feel to be her? To know that you were born because your mother was raped. Anytime your mother looks at you, she has a flashback to the horror that you came from. I really need to stop thinking I tripped because I was not paying attention to my surroundings and then all of the guards were laughing.

I realized at once that the guard closest to me had tripped me on purpose. Of course, he was laughing the loudest. I felt a scream rip out of my throat.

"THAT IS IT! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR IDIOCY!" I jumped at him like a tiger and also like a tiger I used my nails like their claws and I dragged my nails across his face. Then I don't even know what happened next because someone had handed him a long knife and he was angling the blade at me pointing it at my heart. I couldn't attack because The blade was long enough to cut off any and all attack points, and I was not planning on losing my life tonight because of this butt hole.

He kept advancing on me until the blade was pressed against me and my back was pushed against the wall. I laughed at him unable to help myself. I knew how to end this all quickly. End all of it, and that was to insult his pride. "You are a coward," I said to him noticing all of their shocked faces. "I am completely unarmed and you use a knife against me to win? Really? You are some guard if you need a weapon to beat a stupid insignificant girl who is younger than you and has years less experience." I felt the change in his heart the second my last word was spoken. He was going to run me through I didn't close my eyes because I was not going to die a coward. Knowing that the prince could get a new toy and that this man would be sentenced to death for killing me but oh well that's the way the cookie crumbles I have accepted death.

"NO!" I heard someone scream as the guard was about to plunge the blade into my heart. I turned my head and saw James throw his own dagger at the man's hand and then everything went black as ink.

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