Blind Sight

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"I think she is waking up." I blinked ever so slowly but couldn't tell who was standing around me. Slowly but with the force of a lightning bolt an untamable illogical fear settled over me.

"I CAN'T SEE!" I scream throwing punches and kicking at every little sound until all of my limbs were restrained.

"Melan it is me Harry. Can you please tell me how many fingers the doctor is holding up." All I can tell is that the lighting had changed.

"You motherflippin king of the idiot square I can't fricking see!" I scream trying to get away from the people restraining my arms and legs. Most likely my brothers and Harry. Finally I just go limp close my eyes and just give up. "I am in a living Hellish nightmare and I can't wake up."

Even though I couldn't see I knew that my brothers were having a silent conversation. "John, I want to be able to see." I feel the tears coming to my sightless eyes. "Why can't I see the wip didn't hit my eyes." I feel tears rolling down my face and I feel the eyes of every person in the room.

"Melan don't cry, think of it this way now we can put worms in your food and you willn't even know until you take a bite." Mic says with little humor in his words.

"Let me go." I whisper and gradually they do. I do the math in my head. Where was Mic standing? I lunged towards my left foot because that was where I think Mic's voice had come from. The second I moved everyone started screaming, including me. My back felt like fire and ice were both wearing for control of my back. The pain was excruciating and I felt the barley healed skin break open, blood trickling down my back. Before I hit the floor someone caught me.

"Mic?" My voice was cracked with pain. I couldn't tell if it was even my brother holding me.

"It is me, shh you will be okay. You trust me right?" I nodded my head unable to do much more than that almost paralyzed into place. "You will survive through this." I couldn't tell anyone when it happened but I started to cry into Mic's chest. He made me feel safe and somehow kept the pain at bay. "May may go to sleep, you know that you need it." In that moment I could almost believe that I saw his face. His small smile as he laid me back into my bed. The indents in his face that have been carved there from each and every smile that has made his face glow.

Slowly thoughts of my family, my dogs, Trice everything that I love rocked me into a calmish sleep. Where my dreams showed me colors and images once again. I saw the endless light blues of the sky, the deepness of the never ending sea. The curls in my brothers hair. The spark in all of their eyes that makes you realize that they would always be there even when the earth fell apart and the sky cries stones instead of the soft tear drops of rain. Then I saw the many shades of green in the grass and trees leaves. Oh the leaves. I will miss them and the trees so much.

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