Bad Luck

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Harry followed me out the door and down the halls to my room.

"So do you want your brothers to kill me or are you just extremely good at ticking them off without a second thought," Harry says and I hear the annoyance in his voice, but I choose to ignore it.

"I tend to just not care, this is my life and no one is going to control it but me." We reached my room and I put my back to the door and faced him. I took a deep breath and then spoke the words that I should have said a long time ago. "We need to talk, so I am going to be completely truthful with you, and I need you to listen and not say anything until I am done. You don't owe me anything, the truth, forgiveness, your time, nothing. I am just asking you to listen to me for a few minutes." During the time that I was talking I had dropped my gaze to the ground, I just can't stand to look him in the eyes I feel so horrible.

He ducks down so he can see my eyes and when I look at him he is smiling and I just don't know what to think. "Melan I owe you the world. You are the bravest, smartest, strongest, and most fun girl I have ever met." He gave me a quick peck on the lips and I felt the blood rush to my face.

I turned the doorknob and we sorta walk stumbled inside. I motion for him to sit across from me on my bed and I begin to talk. I tell him everything from the guilt of cheating on him and using James, to my old life and the dogs I would take care of, to my brothers and our life before, to how I decided to save all the girls and how bad it was in our world. Lastly I told him why I took the whipping and that I don't regret anything about taking the punishment but how dearly I had missed talking to him. When I finished talking I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, I felt like a waite had been lifted from my shoulders but also the walls that I had built up were coming down and that scared me along with made me feel pathetic and naked.

He didn't say anything for a while and that kinda made me nervous, but he took my hand gently and kissed every finger which I thought was a silly thing to do so I giggled again.

"I think I like it better when you laugh then when you try to hold the world. It reminds me of the warm summer sun and happy memories." This made me open my eyes and look at him. He honestly is so handsome. He pulled me towards him and I didn't object. At this point my body was just shutting down and I needed to sleep but I truly didn't want to. I laid my head on his shoulder and leaned against his chest fighting for consciousness. My eyes would almost close then I would force them open again. I felt the vibrations in Harry's chest rather then heard them as he found amusement in my struggle against sleep.

"Melan go to sleep."

"No way." I said hating the very word sleep at the moment.

"Melan, you look like you are about to sleep like the dead. So no matter what you say to me I am pretty sure your body is going to win this fight." I look up at Harry and bite my lip.

"What's really the matter Melan?" I take a deep breath in then out.

"You promise that you will not laugh." I ask almost horrified at what I am about to tell him.

"Come on Melan, I would never." He says but I just roll my eyes and sigh at myself. Well, here goes nothing.

"I am afraid of the dark, and I believe in ghosts." He starts to laugh but the glare I give him turns his face into a barely repressed grin.

"So tough chick, afraid of the dark?" I glare at him again and sit up.

"With all that has been happening the fears that I have spent my whole life trying to repress have come back. When I say that I am afraid of the dark I mean when it feels like something is there type of dark, the unnatural dark. Tonight just feels like if you leave that something terrible is going to happen. Not to long ago there was a man who looked into my window right before I went to bed. Oh my brothers and I had a huge fight about that." I smile at the memory but yawn right after.

"Melan, you need to go to sleep." Harry said as he started to stand up.

"Wait! Please don't go, or if you have to can you turn on the light." I say stumbling to escape my bed and covers. Harry smiles again and walks back over to my bed and lays me down on the right side of the bed ,he sits on the left.

"What are you doing?" I ask trying to see over his shoulder. He gives me a playful sigh and looks over at me.

"Right now taking my shoes off, thinking of how improper this is, how your brothers are going to kill me and how much I am going to think about this moment until we are married." I blush and start to pull the covers over me when I realise that my shoes are still on too. I just kick them off and pull the covers up. I feel the movement behind me as Harry gets in the bed. My bed. It was not like anything was going to happen, or that I wanted anything to happen. Definitely not. So ever so quickly I fell asleep with the comfort of knowing that if anything happened Harry had my back, front and middle.


Running, running, running, don't stop you must keep running! My breathing escalated through the roof but what was I running from. Then I was in the forest it was dark and there was an opening through the trees where and I ran straight for it at full speed. As soon as I passed through the opening the trees grew behind me closing my only escape from the shadows. There was laughter then Luka was in front of me.

"Did you really think that I was gone? Don't worry we'll always have time to meet each other every single night, in your dreams..." The laughter continued as I fell into a hole as deep and black as Luka's heart and soul. Then I was strapped down and blinded unable to move and unable to see.

I woke up screaming and covered in sweat Harry was leaning over me holding my hands to my side and making sure my legs didn't move eather.

"It was a dream." He said over and over again holding me close to him as my sobs gradually died down.

"It wasn't a dream." I say pulling away from him a bit. "It was Luka." As soon as the words come out I feel Harry's body stiffen. "I don't want to fall back asleep." I whisper, not truly caring how dumb and weak that I sound. At this moment all I care about is not seeing Luka again.

"We don't have to." Then I see a smile grow on his face. "Follow me." He takes my hand and we weave through the halls.

"Where are we going?" I ask but then we were in front of a huge wooden door with carvings of vines, trees, and the elves of old. I just stood there with my jaw slack, then grinned when I looked over at Harry. "What is this room?"

"This room is the room of Sylvie. You know the childhood stories about her." He smiled as he started towards the door.

"How could I not know, she saved our kingdom from the fallen angels. She is the only story still told with a female as the hero." I touch the carvings on the door. "So can we go in?" I put my hand against the door.

"I have tried before, but it is locked and legon says that only in the gravest amounts of danger will a mortal be able to open this door."

I look at the door a bit longer then decide that if it can't be opened to just move on, but something about the door just pulled me towards it. All of this is crazy. The door, Luka, the girl with the blond hair.

I turn around and see a clock that says 3:42 am and grone. I am not. N-O-T NOT going back to sleep tonight.

"Do you want to go get breakfast?" He asks me and I give him a nod but before we rounded the corner I looked back at the door and I swair the elf on the door moved.

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