We all Volunteer

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At the whipping Harry walks in with me on his arm and I hated it. As we walked people cheered for us, some tried to show me sympathy. Then James walked in shirtless and my own memories from moments like this came back. A rotten tomato was thrown and it hit him in the chest. I started forward but Harry pulled my arm slightly steering us to our seats. "You promised." Was the only thing he said before the punisher came out in a black clock covering all of him, but you could still hear his voice of evil.

"James you are here by punished with fifty lashes of my barbed whip." James bowed his head but did not look defeated. He turned his back towards the crowd then he got into the position for his hands to be tied up.

"I volunteer! Please take me instead." I female voice spoke up in the crowd. Trice came forward in her maids outfit.

"No!" James and I screamed out at once. By law she was aloud to do this. The guards heald James back as he tried to push towards her.

"This will kill her! Please take me, this will kill her!" James kept screaming. I can't do anything. Oh God please help me, please help Trice.

"I volunteer!" I scream before anything else is said. Harry looks struck.

"You promised me." He says to me as standing up with me grabbing my wrist gently but firmly.

"I promised you I would do nothing about James trial. Trice is my friend, I will not let her die, and don't you say that this will kill me because I have endured worse than this could ever be before. Do not volunteer and do not let my brothers either because I am paying for my chrimes and exposing my father's at the same time." Standing on my toes I kissed his lips then walked over to the Trice. I gave her a big hug and saw the tears in her eyes.

"Go to Harry and keep him there." I look into her big eyes and then she gives me another hug before she runs to Harry.

Ignoring the punisher drone on I just go through the motions, watching my family's faces and James. Pride, graefe, thanks, and some expressions that I couldn't identify.

"Please remove your top." Everyone in the crowd gasped and whispered as the request was made but then there was a full roar from the crowd when they saw my scars. I hadn't even ever shown Mic or Jakub. John had always known though considering that he was the one who always fixed me up after. Their faces were full of anger, rage, and murder. I just knew the drill at that point they put the leather belt in my mouth tied my arms up and it began.

Blood and tears mixed together, my screams of pain and the cheers of the crowd mixed together, until nothing was separate but all one. I didn't black out though, I didn't black out till he said fifty and I saw my brothers,Trice, and Harry rushing towards me screaming for the kings doctors.

When I blacked out it was as though I was there but not at the same time. It was sort of like an out of body experience. I saw my brothers screaming at people to backup so the doctors could lay my body down on a flat surface. Quickly they laid me down on the concrete floor. Harry, Mic, and Jakub were having a screaming match with each other. John was helping the doctors set and clean my back. Trice was with James crying as he held her close to him in a protective way. John at one point got up Mic, and Jakub noticed it quickly and got out of his way fast. John went up to the wall and punched it. When I say he punched it I mean he punched it hard. This was a marble wall and he managed to crack it. Mic and Jakub went over to him consciously and then John did something that I have never seen him do. He lost his self control. He cried sliding to the ground.

Mic ran to me and I saw him talk to the doctors and pulled one to the side. The doctor was so small compared to Mic. After the two conversed Mic walked over to me and checked for a pulse then hung his head as well. Then suddenly I wasn't floating over myself but I was myself and I couldn't breath.

"Micc..." Squeezing my lungs to even get that out. He turned around in time to see my eyes slowly close.

SMACK! I couldn't even yell at him all I could do was just barely keep my eyes open.

"John get over here now!" Mic screamed as the doctors worked even harder now that they knew I was still alive. A vehicle pulled up finally and I was loaded into it and hooked up to tubes to keep me alive. Then I actually blacked out.

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