Oh crap....

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"Melan! Melan, wake up please." I heard a voice say, but I don't understand. I scream as the cold bite of the metal pierces my skin. Flashes of memories go through my head. Memories of death, pain, torture, but only some of them are my memories. The blade had touched others, it had their blood on it and because of that I was getting several lifetimes of pain. I struggle away from Luka but he doesn't loosen his grip. Suddenly there is a sharp, quick upt on my upper arm. I scream as this little insignificant cut were a strike to the heart. Luka looks around cautiously, he didn't make the cut. John, he was still alive, and coming.

He just appeared behind Luka grabbing his neck with all of his strength. They were fighting each other viciously for a few seconds but I knew that I had to do something. This is all fake. I remember quickly, we are in my mind, help John win. I was never good at manipulating my mind but I had to try. Luka, he is standing in cement mix. Iit worked sort of, his one foot is trapped in the mix now. Scalding hot water is poured on Lukas head. That worked better than before but he was expecting it now, and as a master of the brain he redirected it at John. TURN TO BUBBLES!

It did but suddenly Luka was gone there was no fight anymore and I was sitting up in bed sweating, and screaming my head off. Tears falling down my face, I was kicking out and punching anything within my reach. Then I was restrained, I saw with wide fearful eyes that it was my brothers and Harry. What if this was another part of my mind that Luka was using against me?

"Let me go!" I screamed, and fought, until I just gave up knowing that it was useless. I went limp and numb. I just stared in front of me not taking in or hearing anything that was going on. Movement, noises.

"May may, Sugar spice frog toes." Everything became so much clearrer and I saw the people around me.

"Sugar spice frog toes?" Harry asked but all of us looked at each other and started to laugh. My laugh was quiet but it was there. "What am I missing out on?" Harry asked quite oddly out of place.

"When we were younger we told Melan that the candy dad ordered for the dogs was called sugar spice frog toes. She freaked out and never let the candies get to the dogs after that. "

I smile slightly still a little bit shaken.

"Of course it wasn't true, but it was fun to watch her response." I clear my throat and glower at Mic.

"That was so rude, I believed you too until I ate one myself and realized that they were just gummies that dad had read improve the dogs smelling." Harry wrinkled his nose.

"You ate one even though you thought that they were sugar spice frog toes?" He just shook his head as John chuckled softly. "I think it is about time we all go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow." This statement makes me mad. No not just mad furious.

"Why is tomorrow such a big day Harry?" I ask sweetly but I am boiling under my skin how dare he not even mention James whipping before now and still he hasn't voiced the exact words.

"Tomorrow is the scheduled date for James to be punished." Harry says matter of factly and I just want to smack him.

"Why was I not informed of this before now?" I ask my sweetness falling away with every word.

"I didn't see the need." Harry says simply looking directly at me as if challenging me to disagree.

"Really that is the best excuse you can think of?" I scoff barely taking notice of my brothers silent retreat backwards. "You should have told me."

"And then what you try to stop something that not even I could stop considering one of the guards saw it happen." He says raising his voice at me. "If you had never made out with him this never would have happened." I instantly stiffen and feel my brothers eyes on me and Mic's mouth in an O shape. I sit up and slide out of my bed not looking at anyone or anything other than the door.

I walk out the door my steady pace never speeding or slowing down until the door shut. Then I ran, ran from it all. The guilt, hurt, pain, everything. I couldn't stand any of it and the worst things I think about this situation were. One it is all my fault, and two no one called after me. I run to the one place that no one truly knows I would ever go.

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