Lady Magn

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When I woke up before the sun again and I had a bittersweet feeling but for a couple of minutes I couldn't remember why. Then I did and I understood why the feeling was there. I sighed and started to laugh as the puppy's crawl over to be from the bottom of the bed where they slept. They were so cute! I snuggled with them for a couple more minutes then got up and out of bed.

I got changed in shorts and a tank top then walked out of my room. My puppies jumped around my feet, I chuckled and brought them back into my room then shut the door. When I was sleeping last night someone put down some newspapers for them.

I walked out of my room again and ran into a maid and she dropped a huge pile of laundry that she was carrying.

"Oh, I am so sorry. Here let me help with that." I start to pick up shirts and towels.

"No, no, no. My fault my lady. Please don't trouble yourself, I am fine." She looked at the ground and started to pick up the laundry.

"Nonsense, and please my name is Malean, I don't really do titles."

"My--- Miss Malan please I can pick these up myself."

"Well, I am already holding these so where to." She smiled uncertainly at me and told me to follow her.

We walked into a huge room full of girls cleaning and in the room next door preparing food, and in the next room over I don't really know what was going on over there. The rooms were so quiet except for the sound of movement and the machines doing work.

"Why is it so quiet in here?" I ask in what I thought was a whisper but as soon as I spoke every person in all of the rooms turned and stared at me in horror. I was starting to get a bad feeling.

"Who spoke?" I hear a soft raspy voice of an older lady maybe in her thirties. The maid who brought me here was about to speak up to cover whatever huge mistake I had made but I spoke before she could.

"I did. Is there a problem with that?" She glared at me looking me up and down.

"So you're new to the system down here are you? Well, am Lady Magn your superior and down here we keep things quiet or else. You will be working around the dungeons it is not to spoken about if the soldiers do anything to the prisoners." This is awful I think it is time to talk to Prince Harry. "Or you." That makes me snap my head up and out of my thoughts.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard what I said." I looked around the room at all of the faces. All of the broken spirits and depressed young women.

"I am going to have a word with the prince. Good day." I turned on my heel and walked away.

"Get back here now." I heard Lady Magn growl at me. I turn towards her and stand as straight and tall as I can and walk back and stand about ten feet away from her.

"Do you really not know who I am? Well let me enlighten you, I am Lady Malean and I will not be spoken to in such a manner as you are using. If you were not aware I have already condemned one to their own living hell so I would watch yourself. If I even hear a whisper that one of these girls are being mistreated by you or the guards I will personally destroy the rest of your life." She glared at me as the rest of the girls bowed down.

I walked to the girl who had walked me down here and gently pulled her off of the floor.

"What is your name?" I ask her quietly.

"Trice." The name was barely spoken.

"Trice how would you like to be my personal maid?" She looked at me with hope for the first time.

"I would love that miss." I smiled at her and as we walked away Lady Magn spoke to me.

"All men are the same girly, the guards, your dad, your brothers, and the prince."

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