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I don't know what to do now. I love this. I have never felt like this before. Love. The problem is that he is the source of my pain and many others, but at the same time, he is the reason I escaped that life. Maybe he just doesn't know what is going on in the kingdom. Also another problem, how can I love someone I almost know nothing about. I have been pushing him away most of the time I have been here and he has tried to be nice to me always polite but... I want him. What is happening? I am breaking my walls are falling.

He is watching me now his hands on the wall on either side of my face like he is about to kiss me but he isn't moving. Just watching me his face looking troubled. Oh for the love I knew that I should never have kissed him. "Are you okay Malean you look upset." Look up into his eyes. Then I sigh and look at his chest instead thinking about if I should tell him at least one of the things bugging me.

"A friend of mine was caught leaving the border and the guards caught her and when I saw them last they were bringing her to the keeper. They are giving her the punishment." The prince looked at me silently for a few minutes then he opened his mouth and started talking again but I couldn't hear a word. "What?" I say noticing him looking expectantly at me.

He sighed with a slight smile. "I said would you like to see her?" I looked at him noticing that I should start to build my walls back up again. I should say no turn my heart into rock again, but I said yes. He leads me through winding halls of bowing and curtseying servants until we saw an old man with eyes as white as pearls was sitting in front of us.

"Hello, my prince what brings you to the keeping?" The old man asked looking at us but not seeing us. I feel like he was looking through us. Seeing everything that I kept hidden inside myself, all of my secrets, and dreams that could never be reached because I was the prince's... Girlfriend?

"Hello, Keeper I brought my girlfriend Malean. I bought her at the selection." This statement made my anger flair. It was just so aggravating to me how easily he said that without any guilt and how he said it so casually. I want to punch something so bad right now. I almost walked away but, I was stopped.

"So you are Malean I have been hearing a lot about you and your family." I turned back to the keeper so shocked that I just stood there.

"Caline, is she okay?" The Keeper gave me a sort of scary smile his teeth just as white as his eyes. "Caline is fine, the punishment doesn't hurt you know." I give Harry a disbelieving look. Then he nodded to the keeper to open a door in the wall that I hadn't even noticed before he put the key into it. The reason why is it is a sliding door the same color as the wall. As it opened I saw Caline curled up in the corner crying. I looked at her then at the keeper and Harry. "Are you serious! The punishment doesn't hurt, yeah right. Look at her!"

"Malean there is no physical pain it is all mental. You see we have finally perfected the truth serum. The only things hurting them are themselves and the things that they hide deep inside. Their secrets, fears, guilt, and pain." The Keeper said this like it was perfectly okay.

"That is an invasion of privacy," I say trying to hide the fear in my own eyes because I had so many secrets, fears, guilt, and pain of my own that if it were me in the hidden room not Caline I would be completely destroyed. The Keeper seemed to sense this and smiled.

"We always allow others to take the place of their family members and friends if they like, but as you can imagine that doesn't happen often." I turned and ran the way we came I really needed to find something to punch.

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