Someone like me

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I wandered into the guard training room ignoring their looks of surprise as I walked up to a practice dummy. I was furious with everything that was happening in my life right now. The prince, the Keeper, Caline, the head maid, me thinking I was in love because even if it was possible for me to fall in love it is too late I can already feel where my heart was is turning to stone. Cold, hard, solid, and dependable.

I am practicing any and every deadly and painful move that I know and some that I have been playing with wondering what their effect would be on a human body. "Is there something wrong?" A voice from behind me asked. I was so fed up to an overflowing point. I whirled around and punched whoever was behind me but they blocked it.

I kept throwing punches advancing on whoever I was attacking. All I know was that they were not doing anything but playing the defense as I attacked as if all my anger and everything that had ever hurt or gotten behind my wall. I feel everything build up in me and bubble out I hear a scream as I throw my leg out and his legs fly out from under him. Then all of a sudden I feel empty, as I help my opponent up I realize a few things. First I was the one who screamed, second the room was completely quiet even though it was full of guards who are just staring at us, third my opponent was James.

I turned away and felt my leg muscles move as I started to run, but I was pulled back by my hair as quickly as I had taken off. I looked to see James advancing on me as I lied on the ground annoyed. I heard a few of the guards making bets on if James would end up knocking me out. This made me so ticked off I felt myself right myself up onto my feet.

James and I walked at the edge of the circle of guards wanting a good show. We studied each other but unlike before I used laser focus now because if I fight with feelings and not my head I might as well already be dead. Plus I am a girl so I have my extra few tricks.

He looked up into my dark brown eyes as I looked back into his stunningly green ones. I smirked at him as he lunged for me. Stood my ground and spin kicked him in the jaw. He tried to function quickly and to be honest, it was impressive but I had enough time to punch him in the chest and to be honest James has rock hard abs. I hissed and pulled my hand back knowing that if I had just aimed a little lower on his stomach I would have winded him. He threw a punch at my face and hit me next to my nose. I thrust my fist at his neck and when that didn't work I jumped at him knocking him over. I pinned him down so he couldn't move either of his hands because they were under his own body that I was sitting on. Surprisingly he did something that I didn't expect at all. My one hand was lying on the side of his face in a loose position where I could snap his neck if it were a real fight. Well. HE LICKED ME!

"Grose!" I screamed jumping up wiping my hand on my shirt that was already dripping with sweat. Then in those few seconds, I was on my back my hands pinned underneath me in an almost painful way.

"Say, uncle!" The guards were cheering. I didn't though as I looked at James sitting on top of my stomach his hands lying lightly on my shoulderblades that were above the ground slightly knowing that if he pressed down hard enough that my spine would press into my arms and that I would feel an explosion of pain, but I will never say uncle this will be a tie before I admit defeat. I could see that James knew that fact without even doing anything else but looking into my eyes.

"Truce?" He asked me and I closed my eyes for a minute thinking of how much even a truce is going to hurt my pride. I felt a frown spread across my face as I spoke.

"Truce, but only because I can't think of a way to escape this without killing or majorly injuring you." He smiled at that got off of me and helped me up.

"She is a better fighter than the rest of you so wipe those smiles off of your faces and we are practicing till midnight!" He yelled as I eye him taking in his whole look green eyes dirty blond hair and a tough guy act that could be seen the best but like everyone he had layers and I would like to peel them off one by one and see what I would find underneath all of them. Would I find a heartless boy or someone... Someone like, well me.

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