Sad Song - Chat Noir x reader (TRIGGERED) (ML)

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"*sob* *sniff* why.." He whispered. This 'he' in particular was Chat Noir himself, crying over the girl he lost forever.

"8 o'clock tonight, right?" Chat asked, taking your hand and kissing it. You giggle.

"Yep! See you later, Chaton." You say, waving goodbye to the silly kitty. Once he left, you stood standing on the porch for another minute before realizing you had to get ready. It was hours away, but you might as well, right?

You rushed into your room, going through your drawers. You find a cute black crop top and some high waist lime green shorts. Then you found a light blue dress that went to your knees the sleeves hanging a little off your shoulders. You lay them on your bed, deciding to choose after a shower. (Timeskip) once you come out, you get on the black crop top and green shorts, already have brushed your hair and done your makeup (heavy, light, or none). You waited on the porch, reading the book "Journey to the Center of the Earth" by Jules Verne. (YES GET USED TO IT.) you waited until 8 o'clock, and looked for Chat. Nowhere in sight.

"Must be running a little late." You muttered. After 15 minutes, you started getting anxious. After another 30 minutes, you started getting worried. What if another akuma attack happened and it held him up? You suddenly heard giggling and laughing. You look, and see Ladybug and Chat, standing on a roof. 'What's so bad about that?' you may ask, dear reader. The thing was....

She was kissing Chat.

He had stood you up for Ladybug. You started crying, making your mascara run. (Re imagine it if you didn't wear makeup.) you called out to him, but not like a 'I'm over here', sort of thing. No. You had said:

"YOU BASTARD!" Suddenly he turned around, a little dazed. His eyes widened. "HOW COUD YOU?!?!"

"[name], it's not what it looks like!" He says, trying to explain.

" 'it's not what it looks like' my ass! You stood me up!" You screamed. Suddenly your heart shattered. You couldn't feel anything, yet you were still moving and talking. "But..I can see why. She's way better then me in more ways than one." You muttered.

"No! [name], look, I didn't mean to kiss him, I didn't know you two were da-" You cut Ladybug off.

"No. Keep him." You say. You walk inside, and shut the doors. You lock them, and walk into the bathroom. You grab the knife you used to cut your legs, and aim it for your stomach. "I hope he's *hic* *sob* happier this way." You said, tears streaming down your face. You plunged the knife into your stomach, breaking the skin and letting the blood drip. You coughed. Suddenly Chat bursts in.

"[NAME]!!" He screams.

"I love you.." You mutter out slowly before everything turned dark. Little did you know, Chat held you in his arms one final time before you passed.

"I love you too.." he said, sobbing.

~~end of flashback~~

"Why [name]...why couldn't you just tell me.." He said. He remembered all the good times you and him had.
When he revealed his identity to you....

~~flashback (get ready for a BUNCH OF THESE)~~
"[n-name]?" Chat asks. He was laying on your stomach while you typed your story on Gigopadd. Your computer was on his back.

"Yeah?" You respond.

"I-I have something to show you.." He says. You become frightened.

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